Synonym: cloudy, dark, dull, filmy, indistinct, murky, obscure, obtuse, unclear, vague. Similar words: aquifer, jeopardy, propagate, jeopardize, in loco parentis, double jeopardy. Meaning: [əʊ'peɪk] adj. 1. not clear; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy 2. not clearly understood or expressed.
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91. And some minutely crystalline varieties, such as flint, may be opaque and of a maxy luster.
92. In practice, using an 8-bit byte, the alpha value ranges from 0-255 instead of 0-1, where zero is transparent and 255 is opaque.
93. Exactly the same size and shape as a conventional snack machine, the fresh produce on its shelves was packaged in small, opaque, crinkly bags similar to the sort of bags crisps come in.
94. The high far infrared radiativity, stable radiation coefficient and obviously low electricity consumption of the produced opaque silica glass elements have been experimentally verified.
95. When off, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque.
96. Ruby Sapphire balls are opaque red in color and frequently used in gauging devices.
97. In advanced stages the opaque corneas may ulcerate and even perforate.
98. Bombed-out bank valuations, on the other hand, look less tempting, given the root cause of their problems: opaque, potentially toxic balance sheets.
99. A blue overlay opaque white glass jar with lid (, Qing Dynasty.
100. Possible tokens include start/end element, switch code page, entity, processing instruction, tokenized string, literal string, various extension tokens, and opaque data.
101. Since the thermal radiation largely stopped by ordinary opaque materials, buildings and clothing can provide protection.
102. A water- reducible , opaque, matte-finish paint in which an albuminous or colloidal medium (as egg yolk) is employed as a vehicle instead of oil or varnish.
103. Fluoride is usually used as opacifier for opaque glass, but fluoride brings about pollution of environment.
104. The solar absorptance is automatically calculated as the complimentary part, which is always the case for opaque samples.
105. A cry, a very loud cry, as of infinite desolation, soared slowly in the opaque air.
106. The Lujiang meteorite, a chondrite whose petrochemical type is LL6, contains the following opaque minerals: kamacite, taenite, disordered taenite, troilite, chromite, hematite, ilmenite.
107. Opaque regulations and a recent government price freeze on public utilities, including water, are also red flags.
108. And some minutely crystalline varieties, such as flint, may be opaque and of a waxy luster.
109. It has the same "ending" as daggard and poniard, but the root, though opaque, is still spelled with an h.
110. Perfectly cooked fish should flake easily and be opaque the faintest amount of translucency the middle.
111. An input value of 40, for example, will correspond to a low-medium fade style,( whereas a value of 80 or greater will correspond to the most opaque fade setting.
112. Aim : To prevent the fixed - orthodontic etching from acid - eroded enamel opaque spot.
113. Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.
114. Goldenrod paper : Opaque orange paper on which film negative is assembled for plate - making.
115. The human brain has evolved to find patterns, which is useful when avoiding saber-toothed tigers but less so when confronted with opaque and complex events.
116. As the closely serried leaves bent , a tide of opaque emerald could be glimpsed.
117. A chemical agent added to a material, such as rocket propellant, to make it opaque.
118. The opaque nature of a Web service method combined with the descriptive power of XML documents for data are perfect for integrating any number of remote operations.
119. The balloons clear panels (left) transmit sunlight to heat-absorbing opaque panels opposite, heating the air inside and keeping the balloon aloft.
120. Masking paper: Black or red opaque paper used for masks. For example: goldenrod paper.