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Opaque in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+4Posted:2017-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cloudydarkdullfilmyindistinctmurkyobscureobtuseunclearvagueSimilar words: aquiferjeopardypropagatejeopardizein loco parentisdouble jeopardyMeaning: [əʊ'peɪk]  adj. 1. not clear; not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy 2. not clearly understood or expressed. 
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61. It should turn opaque (non-transparent) in color.
62. It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization.
63. Adopt opaque materials, for using, many colors for choice.
64. The method applies to both opaque and transparent objects.
65. A dark green, round biconvex tablet with opaque coating.
66. Shaded watermark: watermark with opaque rather than tranaparent appearance.
67. Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque.
68. Organisations become more Ruritanian.The job market becomes more opaque.
69. An opaque watercolor bound with gum.
70. It is a typically opaque semiofficial organization. Mr.
71. All the OPEC opal in the Opel is opaque.
72. The opaque,[] mad look came into his eyes again.
73. Cyclopes Available on opaque Cream.
74. A standing opaque beacon may be useful in addition.
75. Known as saltpeter, nitrite, a white opaque crystalloid like salt, is consisted of Sodium nitrite and potassium nitrite.
76. Then a blend method has been developed for rendering the opaque body and translucent body.
77. A method to measure thermal diffusivity of opaque materials by a laser photothermal radiometry technique is introduced in this paper.
78. He interposed an opaque body between a light and the eye.
79. India paper: Very thin opaque rag paper often used for high quality books.
80. Prevent oily recipe brand-newly, prevent skin excretive grease and opaque particle to condense, avoid needless awkwardness .
81. Note that the tokens are opaque binary data(, and only the underlying security mechanism needs to be able to interpret them.
82. Results:We found some signs are of great importance:opaque glass sign, alveolar nodular sign, pathologic air bronchogram sign.
83. Gouache is opaque watercolour, known also as poster paint and designer's colour.
84. Objective To study the accurate methods to predict the post operative visual acuity of cataractous patients with different degrees of opaque lenses.
85. When the animals die, they turn opaque and lose color as their proteins and DNA break down.
86. ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, for a light-yellow granular or bead-like resin opaque, non-toxic, tasteless , low water absorption.
87. "Financial conglomerates have become more and more opaque, especially about their massive off-balance-sheet activities," he said.
88. Small businesses are typically informationally opaque and managerially costly, and these exist some obstacles for banks to extend credits to small businesses.
89. In September when the ice comes, pleasure craft are hauled ashore, fishermen move north into the warmer Barents Sea, and another flotilla steams under the opaque ice.
90. Good flatness, opaque surface and luminance, suitable for single - firing floor tiles.
More similar words: aquiferjeopardypropagatejeopardizein loco parentisdouble jeopardy
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