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Nem in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2018-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nemaenemyenemaphonemeaxonemeanemoneanemicanemia
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1. The resolution was carried nem con.
2. Nem todos os alunos precisam da ajuda extra.
3. E nem mesmo Barkhordar consegue explicar esse fato.
4. Nos meus testes, o Kindle nunca desligou nem saiu do ar, nem apresentou nenhum problema.
5. Nem was sent to the emergency room where several stitches were put in.
6. More fish or nem would be piled into baskets made to look like offerings being presented at a Buddhist funeral.
7. On Wednesday George was on the booth at NEM in Turin,[sentencedict .com] showing early prototypes and videos from the FI-CONTENT project.
8. The development of industry-specific NEM model contracts or negotiation guidelines can contribute to achieving this objective.
9. Devolver o produto, brigar com o fabricante e recuperar o dinheiro estressam, consomem horas e nem sempre compensam.
10. But the integration domain does not align with the compacted support of the NEM shape function, which results in considerable integration error.
More similar words: nemaenemyenemaphonemeaxonemeanemoneanemicanemiacinemalinemennemesisphonemiclinemanas one mantenementprotonemaatonementnematodemnemonicone morningmnemonicskinematicmnemosynestonemasonsea anemonearchenemycinematicbone marrowad hominemkinematics
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