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N't in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2018-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
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1. Do n't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.
2. You must n't joke with him about religious belief.
3. You must n't tell anybody about this - it's a secret.
4. We must n't enter the forbidden zone.
5. You must n't let get into a rut.
5. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
6. An interpreter must n't upstage the speaker.
7. You must n't drive fast. a speed limit here.
8. Passengers must n't carry dangerous articles in their baggage.
9. Helping verbs may be negative contractions with - n't.
10. You must n't move someone if are badly hurt.
11. I will n't about it, if I were you.
12. Children must n't play with dangerous objects like sharp knives or scissors.
13. RITA: Jonathan, when Mommy is working, you must n't talk.
14. They must n't worry; they must sleep and rest stole into their jaded bones.
15. You must n't play with fire because it's quite dangerous.
16. No[], you must n't eat anything until you see the doctor.
17. You must n't jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button.
18. After you use plastic bags, you must n't throw about.
19. It was so dark that we could n't see a wink.
20. Yes, you may, but you must n't run aboutthe street.
21. No. You must n't use the fireplace under any circumstances.
22. I did n't want to blurt out my secret to him.
23. We must n't stand by with folded arms when we see state property being damaged.
24. You must n't ever let that scamp come into your house again!
25. She looks as though butter would n't melt in her mouth.
26. If you take part in the race, you must n't draw back.
27. The Cast Aluminium Wheel flub is a part of the wheel. It must n't leak.
Total 27, 30 Per page  1/1 
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