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Mop-up in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2018-10-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mop uptop uphop upsop uppop-uptop-uppop uppopup
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1 Take over, finish the mop-up . You're in charge.
2 The bloody mop-up fighting was left to the Soviets and lasted until the end of the war.
3 For this reason, Japanese troops launched the so-called mop-up after the occupation of Nanjing.
4 targeted "mop-up" campaigns once wild poliovirus transmission is limited to a specific focal area.
5 After the fall of Saleucami in the Outer Rim Sieges , Allie was reassigned to the planet to lead mop-up operations with a contingent of clone troopers.
6 In all countries, rapid assessments are being conducted to formulate an emergency response plan in which two additional mop-up rounds will be held.
7 Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations.
8 In addition,[] the duff fuel-dryness severity increased fire control and mop-up difficulties.
9 With the charge defeated, the heart went out of the defence and by nightfall mop-up operations were under way to round up prisoners.
10 Armed with this new enhancement to your DRC arsenal, you can confidently mop-up any design violations in an efficient and timely manner!
11 But I don't think he'll ever get strong enough to earn anything more than mop-up duty in the head-banging world of the NBA.
12 The campaign will continue officially until September 20, but follow up activities to mop-up children not yet vaccinated will continue for several more weeks.
13 Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations. Others claimed he was killed after being tricked into turning himself in.
More similar words: mop uptop uphop upsop uppop-uptop-uppop uppopupcrop upcoop upchop upprop upstop upscoop upmagnum opuspop-up menupop-up bookmopmopemopedmopesmoppetmoppingpuphomophonethermopilepupahomophobehomophonythermopylae
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