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Marge in a sentence

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Sentence count:91Posted:2017-09-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: largetargetbargelargerchargelargestbarge inat largeMeaning: [mɑrdʒ /mɑːdʒ]  n. a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter. 
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31. It was another repeated moment in their long relationship of affronts when in company with Marge.
32. But he hated to impose for an entire week, with Marge nearly six months pregnant.
33. Tom and Marge caught the gondola from the church steps to San Marco, and walked from there to the Gritti.
34. Marge tried on the dress and it fitted to perfection.
35. Marge got up to follow Roz out the door, ignoring the curious stares directed at them.
36. Marge, his wife with a metre-high blue beehive, keeps the family together.
37. His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan.
38. Marge, occupied with her thoughts, got in quietly beside her.
39. It is painful, then, that some one like Marge Piercy can ignore its reverberations in our present age.
40. But Marge had hung her sweater over the back of her chair so there was nothing to see.
41. Marge took up a leather portfolio and began shoving things into it.
42. Leave Marge alone; she's in a foul mood and you're not helping.
43. Dave and Marge reached their goal by starting a business that could prosper anywhere, small town or large.
44. Marge sat down on the window seat, and tucked her hair into the bandanna.
45. Marge looked up from the facade to the bell tower and saw that it supported a set of loudspeakers on either side.
46. Marge was busy hugging one and all, including Miss Rose, who did not relish a hug.
47. Marge opened up while the fellas looked the street over.
48. He would have to repeat the story he had told to Marge.
49. Marge trailed behind him with an armful of hastily gathered clothing.
50. Afraid to trust her voice, Marge simply shook her head.
51. Walt and Marge lived in connubial bliss for over 50 years.
52. He had a hungry face; in it Marge detected a morphology she recognized.
53. Above them were fields of blazing stars and on some of the curves Marge caught a glimpse of moonlight on rolling surf.
54. When Rowena and Frodo were gone, Marge started down the center aisle toward the back door and the parking lot.
55. He took a sip of wine from the pitcher and fixed Marge with his Himalayan stare.
56. Alan told Marge she shouldn't walk around alone at night.
57. Tom told a clean, mildly funny joke,( and Marge laughed hilariously.
58. Marge led Janey to the car and turned the key.
59. Marge had gone upstairs to pack her things and to go to bed.
60. The idea of anybody, Marge especially, liking that wall-eyed ox in preference to Dickie made Tom smile.
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