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Madame in a sentence

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Sentence count:211+2Posted:2017-08-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: madamarmadaramadanadamantmacadamAdam's aleadam smithadamantlyMeaning: [mə'dæm /'mædəm ,mə'dɑːm]  n. title used for a married Frenchwoman. 
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(151) As regards the education of young children, Madame Montessori's methods seem to me full of wisdom.
(152) He's simply using Madame Olensksa as a lightening - rod.
(153) At the moment when the Bishop entered, Madame Magloire was talking with considerable vivacity.
(154) This painting belonged to Madame de Pompadour and, with a companion work, was probably part of the decoration at her quarters at Versailles or the chateau at Bellevue given her by the king.
(155) Have you been in touch with Madame Sun Yat - sen's China Defense League?
(156) As Her Excellency, Madame President Megawati has mentioned, this year is the forty-ninth anniversary of the world-renowned Asian –African Conference.
(157) Teresa Teng's wax adoring fans at her commemorative event at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong today.
(158) His chief work was decorative panels commissioned by Madame du Barry, mistress of Loius XV, for her chateau at Louveciennes.
(159) "Charisma by Madame Tussaud", fumes venerable film critic Roger Ebert, as the film prepares effortlessly to hold its position at the top of the box office on both sides of the Atlantic this weekend.
(160) This was a courage that Madame Defarge so little comprehended as to mistake for weakness.
(161) Madame Vulpes was an ugly woman with sharp, cruel eyes.
(162) In the breast of his blouse he carried some coarse dark bread; he ate of this between whiles, and sat munching and drinking near Madame Defarge's counter.
(163) Madame Denis, the niece of M. de Voltaire, had been extremely good to me.
(164) The reason of this was perhaps that Isabel offered no resistance whatever to Madame Merle's proposal.
(165) Only a few others share this secret. Among them are Light Hope, Madame Razz, and Kowl.
(166) " He must take his chance ,'said Madame Defarge. " No, I cannot spare him!
(167) When Madame Alexander's New York childhood as a poor east-end immigrant is factored into the equation, Cissy becomes even more complex.
(168) The charming Madame de Leon, in memory, no doubt, of the Duchesses de Longueville and de Chevreuse, preferred this appellation to her title of Princesse.
(168) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(169) Good Madame, recommend us to the prayers of your sainted relative , Monsieur the Cardinal.
(170) Madame Bron, who had been thirty years in the theatre, replied quite sourly.
(171) "I have often read, and read again, the history of Mithridates, " said Madame de Villefort in a tone of reflection, "and had always considered it a fable.
(172) Chancellor Angela Merkel, once the euro zone's "Madame Non," led a push to assemble the new Greek bailout program.
(173) Then madame , with her teeth set, tied a very terrible knot indeed.
(174) He must see Madame Olenska himself rather than let her secrets be bared to other eyes.
(175) Madame Olenska , heedless of tradition, was attired in a long robe of red velvet.
(176) Madame Defarge received it as a compliment, and looked at her husband.
(177) Madame Tussauds plans to complete several copies of the life-size wax figures by U.S. Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, for display in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Las Vegas.
(178) He had taken it for granted that the Marchioness Manson was still in Washington, where she had gone some four weeks previously with her niece, Madame Olenska.
(179) Perhaps you should forward the telegrams to Madame Sun Yat - sen.
(180) ' Pastime ,'said madame , still looking at him with a smile, while her fingers moved nimbly.
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