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Lazy in a sentence

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Sentence count:229+29Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: inactiveindolentlaxAntonym: followmisleadSimilar words: crazyblazeablazeglazedMeaning: ['leɪzɪ]  adj. 1. moving slowly and gently 2. disinclined to work or exertion. 
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121 He made jejune generalizations about how all students were lazy and never did any work.
122 This failure is a judgement on you for being so lazy.
123 My brother is very lazy.He just lets grass grow under his feet and never cleans his bedroom.
124 The servant had a lazy habit of sweeping the dust under the edge of the mat.
125 I know I'm lazy - I did go swimming yesterday, mind.
126 He was called down by his father for being lazy.
127 The teacher at last beat the facts into the lazy boy's head.
128 People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazyBob Hope 
129 Plates and barbells lie scattered in lazy profusion.
130 We spent a lazy afternoon at the beach.
131 George Birkitt got lazy about learning his lines too.
132 Ahhh ... those lazy days of spooning mayonnaise.
133 He's too lazy to cook himself dinner.
134 And we're too lazy to do any gardening.
135 He felt completely lazy and relaxed.
136 The lazy days of summer are finally here.
137 Henry Schmitt's cattle are branded with H lazy S.
138 I felt so warm and relaxed and lazy.
139 It made her lazy,[] it made her rather self-indulgent.
140 The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.
141 Get up, you lazy thing! It's nearly lunchtime.
142 Money loves hardworking, responsible and enterprising people. Money dislikes lazy, irresponsible and passive people. Dr T.P.Chia 
143 Much of it happened simply because, amid weak democratic structures and lazy press reporting, it could.
144 He and his brother are just the same -- lazy.
145 People on welfare are often wrongly characterized as lazy or dishonest.
146 Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction. Anne Frank 
147 I used to walk a lot, but I've been very lazy recently.
148 Life likes the diligence of hardworking people. Life dislikes to the idleness of lazy people. Dr T.P.Chia 
149 It is lazy to assume that Bush is doomed to fail or that he and his administration are unequipped for the job.
150 In hot weather cold poached salmon or sea bass is the lazy cook's dream.
More similar words: crazyblazeablazeglazed
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