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Lazy in a sentence

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Sentence count:229+29Posted:2017-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: inactiveindolentlaxAntonym: followmisleadSimilar words: crazyblazeablazeglazedMeaning: ['leɪzɪ]  adj. 1. moving slowly and gently 2. disinclined to work or exertion. 
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151 I hope to disabuse you of the notion that all employees are lazy.
152 They are as lazy ill breaking down as they, are ill building tip.
153 I can only assume that manufacturers who don't properly configure the machines they sell are either lazy or careless.
154 Always so polite with the Archbishop, a fawning, cloying, false man. As lazy as any Negro.
155 She too embarks on a lazy plot of catastrophic collapse, winding up confined in a local booby hatch.
156 Many welfare opponents vilify recipients as lazy and immoral cheats and con artists.
157 In January a national poll found that most whites think blacks are lazy, less intelligent and less patriotic than whites are.
158 Dogrose wound about his arms; red berries hung in lazy bunches.
159 Or else fed through huge pipes to other pumps that spewed it back in lazy streams and jetting parabolic arcs.
160 The thinking seems to be that many savers are too ignorant or lazy to shop around.
161 His lazy, supercilious eyes, too, managed their affectation of aloofness without actually missing a trick.
162 I am too lazy to be shopping around for the best rate every three years.
163 I could happily enjoy a really lazy holiday in Capraia.
164 Like teenagers the world over, they were energetic, challenging, rowdy, sometimes lazy and always questioning.
165 The purplish thing drifted on to the beach, but I felt too lazy to walk over and examine it.
166 I've been stood out there ages! - Anyway, why aren't you dressed yet, you lazy beggar?
167 And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
168 They are pictured as virtually irredeemable, lazy, dependent, living off the hard-earned money of others.
169 People who left school unable to read were often dismissed as lazy.
170 He was clever, but disinclined to distinguish himself in study, athletic but lazy, honest but argumentative.
171 What you get: automatic, maximum traction in all off-and on-road slop for the very lazy.
172 Unemployed people are described as lazy, scroungers, living off the tax payer, etc.
173 Mitjorn beach is home to a couple of hotels and hostels and is a long, lazy affair of white soft sand.
174 Phlegmatic: this type has a placid nature and tends to be lazy.
175 The beach is all of fifty metres away across the road and is great for lazy days sunbathing.
176 He stretched, panther-like, raked a lazy hand through his curly dark hair.
177 I heard him grumbling to Mum about lazy teachers with 6 weeks holiday.
178 After that, huddled under the patchwork quilt, they made love in a lazy, unhurried way.
179 She took the lazy girl to the castle and put her in three rooms filled with flax from floor to ceiling.
180 The homeless and those on welfare are despised as lazy or dishonest.
More similar words: crazyblazeablazeglazed
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