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L in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+4Posted:2016-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [el]  n. 1. a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints) 2. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five 3. a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter 4. the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet. adj. being ten more than forty. 
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31, Taylor L.J. read the following judgment of the court.
32, L.M. True - like a dose of salts!
33, Thus the L curve can be highly volatile.
34, Or l would make believe he owed me money.
35, Plus hustling l aura Smolensky is not cheap.
36, Add l lemon rind, sugar, eggs and mix.
37, Ralph Gibson L.J.'s observations seem equally applicable to libel.
38, For fairly short distances l.e.d.'s are quite satisfactory.
39, Mitchelson has a successful medical practice in L.A.
40, L - 27-29, 31-35 Brush bogie cars.
41, We have a gig in L.A. on Thursday.
42, I saw more of human agony and woe than l trust I will ever again be called on to witness.
43, The L.A. Dodgers are a cinch to win the division.
44, I can't go around my friends begging for a home, can l?
45, To the accompaniment of foghorns and buoy bells, beside a crackling fire, l slowly eat my dinner.
46, The L.T.E.'s basic obligation was to run its operations on ordinary business principles[], which the fare reduction contravened.
47, Note that both the l.e.d. and phototransistor are very directional - the tops are the sensitive surfaces.
48, At the equilibrium quantity Q the marginal consumer benefit is P l but the marginal social cost is P 2.
49, Alternatively, the balance conditions of the Hay bridge can be derived to allow L and R to be calculated.
50, Can you separate those out into two piles - A to L and M to Z, please?
51, Gordon definitely started off on the right foot, though, born the son of an L.
52, Ronald Reagan's stock of capital as he began his presidency was comparatively low, as Table l shows.
52, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
53, At first he talked about his father, a l 950s version of a deadbeat dad who seldom paid child support.
54, The major determinant of L 2 is expectations of changes in the earning potential of securities and other assets.
55, Genomic clones of both the Oct-11a and Oct-11b loci were isolated from a BALB/c library in the vector l Charon 4A.
56, L teacher who has taught lots of lessons with the unit.
57, All I remember is the wrenching loss as l watched the last birch disappear. l have relived it again and again.
58, We were all playing roles in a comedy. l tried to prove to Sonya that withholding herself from me was hypocritical.
59, Any private union good or service whose level is increasing in membership generates similar predictions. l 3.
60, L., or Abraham L., when he was a young criminal lawyer and a state senator.
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