Synonym: boss, node, pommel, thickening. Similar words: doorknob, noble, nobody, ignoble, know, knock, well-known, know about. Meaning: [nɑb /nɒb] n. 1. a circular rounded projection or protuberance 2. a round handle 3. any thickened enlargement 4. an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger.
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61. The rheostat is operated by rotating the control knob, separating it from the push-pull action of the main lighting switch.
62. Sprinkle the muscovado sugar evenly over the figs and top each fig with a knob of butter.
63. A dimmer control knob is provided on the right side of the front panel which also activates the lamp test.
64. The old man handle knob stretch into her shirt, stretch again into her bra, beginning slow-moving but carefully grope for.
65. This is gear knob: neutral gear, first gear, second gear, third gear, fourth gear, fifth gear, retreat gear.
66. Indirect transmission occurs when the virus is transmitted when an intermediate object (e. g. a door knob or computer keyboard) becomes contaminated with the virus.
67. Figure 11-12: Clear spatial mapping. On this stovetop, it is clear which knob maps to which burner because the spatial arrangement of knobs clearly associates each knob with a burner.
68. Remove knob by counter - clockwise rotation, simultaneously, pull away from body.
69. Assemble into a triad body or diad body. Its regulator knob in pressure regulating valve can be locked, to prevent the location changed in the process of working.
70. While holding the release button depressed , pull the knob and shaft out of the headlamp switch.
71. The black center knob will make one revolution in the following approximately three hours and stop in the position shown in the drawing.
72. Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. The coral absorbs the invisible ultraviolet light, then emits wild orange visible light.
73. Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of L - carnitine on asthenospermia with epididymal knob.
74. Connect the power supply , turn the regulator knob clockwise , and the indicating lamp is lit , then it is ready for heating .
75. Today, my girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to ram her finger into the end of my knob whilst giving me a hand job. FML.
76. After relieving all the gas pressure the adjusting knob counter clockwise asas it will go.
77. " Oh, if I only had a brass andiron - knob again!
78. The crested top was milled and knurled like the knob on a safe.
78. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
79. With its built - in automatic light switch feature , Door Knob will help with the conservation of energy.
80. The panning knob is made of the same high grade duralumin. If anyone dare to do so, they can try to scrape off the surface.
81. Adjust the radius of curvature as necessary by manipulating the thumb knob.
82. To test for this scenario, rig up an external phase-locked dual-clock source with a knob that intentionally adjusts the phase relationship of the two clocks.
83. Adjust the desired listening volume level by slowly turning the knob on the neckband receiver unit.
84. Climate controls follow down, just ahead of the short throw stick shift with ball shift knob.
85. If flow rate is in excess of that specified, turn indicator knob towards closed position, noting pressure drop and valve setting and determining new flow rates from flow rate chart.
86. A knob on the hilt of a sword or similar weapon.
87. The hand knob and the shell employ a screwed joint, which can reach the self-hold request of the device.
88. Suddenly the lobby door crashed into the adjacent wall and stayed there, the knob half-buried in the Sheetrock.
89. A spectrum program that lets users twirl a frequency knob to see what happens?
90. I have the silver-white color body, on the lamp holder am may adjust brightness the knob, but also some may four extension necks !
More similar words: doorknob, noble, nobody, ignoble, know, knock, well-known, know about, knock out, knock off, well known, knock down, knowledge, acknowledge, acknowledgement.