Synonym: equipment, furnishings, gear, outfit, rig, set. Similar words: kitchen. Meaning: [kɪt] n. 1. a case for containing a set of articles 2. gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose 3. young of any of various fur-bearing animals. v. supply with a set of articles or tools.
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61. Do you know of an auxiliary fuel tank kit for the Ninety?
62. Recently, Shields' college buddy Dave Harrison stepped in behind the drum kit to complete the lineup.
63. There is little point in having a first aid kit on the ground floor if you cut your foot badly upstairs.
64. Each kit comprises a cistern dam and a ball arm extension. 1 Lift off the cistern lid.
65. Kit knelt in front of Ariel and cried; he asked her for forgiveness.
66. A complete first aid kit has been issued to each first aider which is kept ready to hand at their workplace.
67. NetLS software developer kit are due in the third quarter.
68. Smith and Petrossian, the corporals, were checking kit, pushing among the reluctant men.
69. The tail section housed emergency rations and first aid kit.
70. The result could herald the revival of the dormant kit car industry.
71. He came on wearing a sailor's hat, a greatcoat and a kit bag.
72. Adam's football kit is in the five corners of the house, stiff enough to wash itself.
73. Odd-Knut fetches his first aid kit, and I get ours.
74. Alternatively, there is one kit on the market which includes narrow double-sided tape for this purpose.
75. Full football kit for a discerning 10-year-old will probably cost parents about £40.
76. It's available from selected DIY stores, priced about £5.50. 1 Use the 3M Thermal Kit to stop draughts.
77. Upgrading cylinders Direct cylinders can be converted simply to indirect ones using a cylinder conversion kit.
78. She was given a dose of Hyper. 30 from her first-aid kit and sent to the neurologist.
79. Ampair's stern-mounting kit would appear to be the most sensible system for fixing larger generators on yachts.
80. We tidy the tent, sort our kit and the light starts to fade.
81. I had memorized those few facts widely accepted by Princeton undergraduates to be part of an investment banking interview survival kit.
82. The adjutant went over to Kit Carson's tent and cleared it out.
83. For those anticipating a handsome Christmas bonus, the Mission Mtime integrated home theater system is an elegant starter kit.
84. Poem Videobox is a software developers kit that enables programmers to incorporate the company's decompression techniques into their own products.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. Kit dropped his bombs and climbed to escape their shock waves.
86. If you think that's crafty, another chum keeps a football kit by his bed.
87. A moment's hesitation allowed another kit to dash in to steal the prize.
88. A multi-million pound industry in its own right, it cost 3 guitars and a drum kit to commence business.
89. The entire vehicle was festooned with a bewildering array of kit.
90. A well made piece of kit that will undoubtedly become more apparent on our banks during the coming seasons.
More similar words: kitchen.