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Input-output in a sentence

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Sentence count:114Posted:2019-01-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: input priceoutputinputoutput gapoutput filetotal outputoutput deviceannual output
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(61) All this had enhanced significantly the economic benefit of the family ranches of the Chaidamu Basin. The family annual net income amounted to 19767 yuan, input-output ratio was 2.25 in general.
(62) The quasi-static input-output linear regression equation of the measuring system is established, and the testing results of input-output curve linearity and sluggishness are given.
(63) Input-output Analysis is the mathematical and economic analysis method focusing on the relationship(among) different elements of economic system.
(64) In this paper, the dynamic input-output model is discussed. The control system of this model is built by selection per period production increments as the control variables. It is simple and useful.
(65) The ecological footprints of three industrial sectors in China were studied through input-output analysis.
(66) Based on an input-output analysis, this paper studies the comparative gains of various industries, and finds out the industries that impose impacts on GDP and the return on assets.
(67) Firstly, the paper introduced theory base of the study, explained what is Expo and Expo economy, expatiated on multiplicator effect and coefficient of input-output unit.
(68) The feasible innovation sets has no restriction of convexity so that it describe the input-output activities in conditions of various characteristics of marginal returns.
(69) The author puts forward some methods about energy sector decomposition and non-energy sector incorporating with the sample of Input-Output Table of China in 1997.
(70) We studied deeply on effects of international trade on value added by use of input-output analysis and gave.
(71) Direct consume coefficients and investment coefficients by which the precision of Input-Output analysis is decided exert positive effects in analyzing and applying the Input-Output model.
(72) The parameters and their inherent relation involved during valuation process were included in the input-output model.
(73) Regional multiplier and input-output analysis may be used to evaluate the regional economic effect.
(74) Based on input-output table, by employing the data from Chinese 40 industries during 1997-2007, the paper aims to study the impact of domestic consumption,[sentencedict .com] investment and trade on the employment.
(75) It can input and output data about Input-Output, and create Input-Output table, direct consuming coefficient table, and complete consuming coefficient table by computation.
(76) Applying the input-output technique, this paper, based on the features of operation of power system, builds an input-output model for the power company.
(77) input-output model is a useful tool to analyze the relationship between economic output and industrial structure.
(78) Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table, input-output table, flows-of-funds table, balance of payments, and balance sheet.
(79) Itsmain contributions are embodied in the following aspects:First, we build a dynamic input-output model with a proportional tax onthe gross product.
(80) This information is used to do multidimensional regression analysis, and an equation is gained, then the model is used for marginal and input-output analysis.
(81) The development of practical energy-saving plan, together with our customers to carry out the program argues that the best input-output ratio.
(82) Also the input-output table of China in 1997 is analyzed as an example.
(83) Starting from the analysis of the direct and indirect investment and profits, the paper presents the mediod of input-output analysis concerning the supporting system for specialist team buildin...
(84) The optimal value of field input is within the interval between the maximum input-output benefit and maximum grain yield.
(85) This paper analyzes the impact of domestic final demand expansion and export expansion on earnings and income discrepancy from final used perspective with input-output model.
(86) Unknown system is running to draw curves and identification of input and output parameters generated by input-output curve of contrast, you can get the accuracy of this identification method.
(87) At the end of this chapter, by using the Input-Output Table 1997 and 2002, this paper analyzes the demand factor of economic growth in Jiangsu Province.
(88) Computer is exploited paired with the dock- station vehicle mounting dock (VMD), which is supplied with the ports of input-output.
(89) The nonlinear response in the bistable system with a random binary signal by adding the variable amount of noise is studied, and the input-output cross-correlation coefficient is measured.
(90) This paper estimates the macroeconomic cost of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission abatement in China, employing the input-output analysis with the multi-objective programming approach.
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