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Inhibitor in a sentence

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Sentence count:241Posted:2017-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inhibitinhibitedinhibitinginhibitionuninhibitedexhibitorprohibitoryexhibitMeaning: [ɪn'hɪbɪtə(r)]  n. a substance that retards or stops an activity. 
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151) When ABA biosynthesis was inhibited by nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), an inhibitor of the ABA anabolic enzyme 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED), rice seed germination showed no response.
152) The results showed that after interaction between chlorsulfuron and catalase, the showed that chlorsulfuron wasn't the inhibitor of CAT.
153) Objective:To investigate the effect of inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor aminoguanidine on transplanted pancreas in rats.
154) Taking sepharose 4B as carrier, cyanuric chloride as activation reagent, and Erythrina trypsin inhibitor as ligand, the method of preparation of affinity chromatography resin is described.
155) A kind of technique of purification and determination of activity of human placental ribonuclease inhibitor(PRI) was studied.
156) A corrosion inhibitor of alcohol fuel to metal is prepared with benzotriazoles, dimeric linoleic acid anticorrosion agent and hindered phenols antioxidant through dilution and mixing.
157) The results showed that the inhibitor imidazoline and Zn diffusion treatment techniques could effectively prevent the CO2 corrosion.
158) At present, there are several species more than 40 kinds of products, developed in our enterprise, such as Silane coupling agent, Sustained-release scale inhibitor, bactericide and algicide and so on.
159) Chamomile essence, Aloe, Peppermint, Everning primrose, Anti-germtide, FGF, Sebum secretion inhibitor, Anti-acne agents, Tragacanth gum, etc.
160) Those taking ACE inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker pills had half the risk of the disease, according to a report in the British Medical Journal.
161) Protein serine theronine phosphatase inhibitor or cyclin dependent kinase ( CDK ) inhibitors could abolish the enhancement.
162) Objective: To investigate the effects of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor on TGF-b1 expression in human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMC).
163) Objective To evaluate the pharmaceutical effect of angiotensin - converting enzyme inhibitor ( ACEI ) captopril on ischemic myocardium.
163) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
164) The activity of PPO of lichi hull and the control effect for different inhibitor were studied in this paper.
165) Objective To study the effects of inducible NOS inhibitor aminoguanidine on the recovery of traumatic facial paralysis in rats and the change in the expression of NOS in the facial nucleus.
166) Meanwhile, they injected one group of mice with endostatin, another with a different blood-vessel inhibitor called TNP-470 and a control group with an inert saline solution.
167) Displays cytostatic and cytotoxic activity. Inhibitor of EGFR kinase. Shows antiangiogenic activity.
168) Objective To study the effect of angiogenesis inhibitor and its combine with chemical drug in suppressing the growth of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC).
169) Trypsin protease inhibitor can decrease the utilization of protein, and result in the loss of soybean nutrition for human beings.
170) The experiment results show that the copolymer is an excellent scale inhibitor and calcium phosphate.
171) Sharks have strong, complex immune systems that include an angiogenin inhibitor in their cartilage.
172) Physostigmine was cholinesterase inhibitor, it could improve the content of center Ach and antagonize the amnesia induced by Scopolamine.
173) HP rust inhibitor has good stability to environments and good protection for concrete reinforced bar.
174) The authors have done the research by consulting the relative domestic phosphodiesterase inhibitor literature published in recent years.
175) Rofecoxib, a COX-2 specific inhibitor, is approved for treatment of osteoarthritis, acute pain and primary dysmenorrhea.
176) The inhibitor for coke formaation in the Pyrolysis of light gas oil is studied using a set of continuous tube reactors.
177) A study is made of the synergistic effect of inhibitor of two compositions on the HSAB principle.
178) Calculating the saturation water content of natural gas is important for process design, industrial equipment evaluation and hydrate inhibitor application in natural gas industry.
179) Factors that significantly reduced AF onset included chest pain (OR 0.35), non-Caucasian race (OR 0.61), diabetes (OR 0.67) and ACE inhibitor use (OR 0.63).
180) Conclusion As an inhibitor of JAK, AG 490 can influence the function of normal cells.
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