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In-bounds in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2025-01-04Updated:2025-01-04
Similar words: inboundunbounddownboundunboundedboundsunboundednessout-of-boundsout of boundsMeaning: adj. between the first and third base lines. 
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1. We expect delays to both inbound and outbound trains.
2. Band members sing spontaneous and insulting ditties, needling the girls as they run up the court or in-bound the ball.
3. When turning inbound after carrying out these procedures, simply fly straight to the station.
4. When Sandie stands behind the sidelines to in-bound a ball, she looks over at the Oregon bench.
5. If the inbound time is 3 minutes, then the minimum Rate of Descent will be 700 ft/min.
6. At least 1,000 passengers were stranded at the airport as inbound flights throughout the day were diverted to Portland, Ore.
6. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
7. Details of your outboard and inbound ferry crossing will be included in your travel documentation.
8. When the needle indicates 1 to 2 dots on the scale Turn back on to the inbound heading.
9. Miscellaneous conditions Civil Aviation regulations specify that both the outbound and inbound sections of the air ticket must be used.
10. On the ensuing inbounds pass, Bobby Edwards fouled Bailey, who made one of two free throws.
More similar words: inboundunbounddownboundunboundedboundsunboundednessout-of-boundsout of boundsknow no boundsdecision boundaryin bondsby leaps and boundsboundaboundgroundsboundenoutboundreboundbounderbound upboundedbound offgo the roundssnowboundboundaryabound infogboundiceboundgroundselboundness
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