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Hint in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+17Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: implyinsinuateintimatesuggestSimilar words: thinchinthinkthingbehindcash inwithinnothingMeaning: [hɪnt]  n. 1. an indirect suggestion 2. a slight indication 3. a slight but appreciable addition 4. a just detectable amount 5. an indication of potential opportunity. v. drop a hint; intimate by a hint. 
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61. There was a hint of pedantry in his elegant style of speaking.
62. "What a pity," Graham said with a hint of sarcasm.
63. We shall have to turn back if there's the slightest hint of fog.
64. The calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming.
65. He gave me a hint that I was being cheated.
66. Officers were given orders to stamp on any hint of trouble.
67. Sarah hoped he'd take the hint and leave her alone.
68. He threw out a hint regarding bonuses at the end of the year.
69. 'What time do we have to leave?' he asked with a hint of impatience.
70. Could you give us a hint about how to do this exercise,( please?
71. In June he gave a broad hint that he might retire.
72. I thought they'd never go-some people just can't take a hint.
73. His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth.
74. There was a hint of steel in his voice .
75. There is a hint of self-parody in his later paintings.
76. There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice.
77. Gail searched his face for the slightest hint of regret.
78. She'd never received the merest hint of any communication from him.
79. There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice.
80. If there is the slightest suggestion/hint of scandal, the public will no longer trust us.
81. It's a well-balanced wine with a hint of sweetness.
82. Its genes also hint at its remote ancestors.
83. There was a hint of anger in his voice.
84. Let me give you a hint.
85. A hint of duty had crept into their relationship.
86. Another hint: He is currently running for president.
87. James didn't seem disposed to take the hint.
88. He wouldn't take the hint, though.
89. His comments were a clear hint that tax rises might be necessary.
90. He dresses conservatively-black shoes and all-the only hint at aristocracy being a tiny monogram on the shirt pocket.
More similar words: thinchinthinkthingbehindcash inwithinnothingthink outanythingthink ofthink upfishingcash in onwrithingclothingnothing butthink overfall behindbreathinganything butbleachingsomethingeverythingthink twicesomething ofleave behindsomething likebehind schedulesomething else
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