Meaning: n. measure of the United States economy adopted in 1991; the total market values of goods and services by produced by workers and capital within the United States borders during a given period (usually 1 year).
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91. Yea, China may have surpassed Japan, s GDP, but individual Chinese are still poor, ill-mannered, and uncivilized people, Japanese saying goes.
92. GDP growth acceleration is partly driven by faster increase in industrial production.
93. China’s GDP barrelled along in the first half of the year, growing by 11.1% compared with a year earlier.
94. Means-tested programs transfer income to people whose resource fall below a certain level . Government means-tested programs are about 4.1 percent of GDP.
95. The net exports surplus expanded YoY again in real terms (net of the price effect), contributing 0.3 percentage points to real GDP growth.
96. In the high estimate of motorisation 's social costs (15% of Beijing's GDP), climate-change costs are as high as those of air pollution and congestion.
97. Consumer price inflation prior to 1961 includes US, Japan and UK only ( weighted by GDP ).
98. The gross revenue of the Chinese tourism industry is increasing rapidly by an average rate of above 12% annually, higher than the average growth rate of the nation's GDP in the same period.
99. Basic accounting tables consist of GDP table, input-output table, flows-of-funds table, balance of payments, ...
100. The implementation of forest green GDP calculability has vital significance to the forest macroscopic management and policy formulation of our country.
101. Ireland is planning budget cuts for next year of 3.8% of GDP; any economy would struggle against that headwind.
102. Government revised downward its third-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) data for the latest seasonally adjusted annual rate of 0.5 percent.
103. CER of 20~29,30~39 and 40~49 age groups with high risk were under GDP.
104. Oil income accounts for around half of government revenues. The fiscal deficit this year may reach 9% of GDP.
105. In 2007 liquidity was tight[], with the M2 measure of money supply growing more slowly than nominal GDP. Today excess liquidity (money growth minus GDP growth) is growing at its fastest pace on record.
106. Mr Abe acknowledges the government's indebtedness, now equivalent to 170 % of GDP.
107. We are working to improve the balance between domestic and external demand, with the share of trade surplus in GDP dropping from 7.5 per cent in 2007 to 3.1 in 2010.
108. Then exports did surge, from 11 % of GDP to 17 % last year.
109. Over the past decade annual inflation (as measured by the GDP deflator) has averaged 3.8% in China against 2.2% in America.
110. K. is approaching the same ratio of consumer credit to GDP as the U.
111. He also argued that Italy's huge public debt ( more than its GDP ) makes generosity reckless.
112. The nine banks in the ranking have assets equivalent to 40% of Indonesian GDP, and recorded profits on average capital of 31.2%, even with a very high average capital to assets ratio of more than 9%.
113. China has invested 4 thousand billion. 4 thousand billion could pull about 1.5-2 percentage points of GDP increase. 37 thousand billion could pull about 14-18.5percentage points of GDP increase.
114. Singapore has a remarkably open and corruption-free environment, stable prices, and a per capita GDP equal to that of the Big 4 West European countries.
115. Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
116. Only Sweden, Norway, Denmark[sentence dictionary], Luxembourg and the Netherlands have reached this target. The average contribution is 0.45% of GDP.
117. The investment roughly equals one twenty-fifth of China's economic output this month and the total GDP of Sichuan province last year.
118. The share of trade surplus in the GDP dropped to 5.7% from the peaking 11% of 2007.
119. Real estate and housing price play an important role in China's economic expansion, in terms of the ratio of real estate loan to total loan and the ratio of housing value to GDP.
120. Motor vehicles and parts contributed $440.4 billion to the U.S. economy, unadjusted for inflation, in 2007, according to government data, roughly 3.2 percent of GDP.