Meaning: n. measure of the United States economy adopted in 1991; the total market values of goods and services by produced by workers and capital within the United States borders during a given period (usually 1 year).
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61. Among which, the price changes have the highest correlation following by the nominal growth of the investment in capital asset and value added in industry, with the GDP growth behind.
62. At the same time it is still a developing country with huge development needs ranking at 90th place in the GDP per capita league.
63. "The weakness reported in nondurable inventories adds some downside risk to our forecast for second quarter GDP growth," said Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan in New York.
64. On November 4th Ireland's government said that it planned budget cuts worth euro 6 billion (or 3.8% of GDP) in 2011.
65. Austria's lending to eastern Europe to about 80 % of its GDP.
66. The infant mortality rate is correlative with the average GDP, the total fertility rate and the crude birth rate.
67. I'll let you know what happens of the GDP hit double digits.
68. To accelerate GDP growth, he forced people to cultivate wastelands and reclaim lakeland to expand farmland.
69. The Congressional Budget Office projects that America's 2011 deficit will be $1.5 trillion, or 9.8% of GDP, and debt held by the public in the 2011 fiscal year will approach 70% of GDP.
70. We found that airfare impact, level of service impact, GDP, population, number of flights per day and dwell time play an important roles in determining the air passenger volume.
71. The short-term policy interest rate fell by an average of about 20 basis points for a fiscal consolidation worth 1% of GDP.
72. The US's financial sector debt was growing twice as fast as GDP.
73. This article uses GDP, the number of employment and other data, considering the hidden unemployment,( to explore the relationship between economy and real unemployment.
74. They think America's stimulus will boost GDP by only one-sixth as much as the Obama team expects.
75. The academics reckon higher taxes or lower spending equal to a staggering 8% of GDP a year are necessary to contain those costs and stabilise the long-run debt.
76. One possibility being floated in European capitals is that Spain, which has higher per capita national income and gives a greater percentage of GDP in aid, would take Italy's place.
77. Well, I think the first thing will be a reassertion of the 8 per cent GDP target as a rate at which the country can comfortably grow.
78. Even if we count unfunded pension funds, local government borrowing and potential non-performing loans, total public liability is still only around 50 per cent of GDP.
79. As for myself I guess when you look at the numbers- $2.5 trillion cut over 10 years–or $250 billion a year– that's small potatoes– less than 2% of GDP.
80. It also meant that Japan was able to keep its defence spending at less than 1% of GDP, enabling it to concentrate more resources on becoming an industrial power.
81. "Right now, we don't have figures for Japan's GDP in 2008, but I think China may have already overtaken Japan last year, " Yao told China Daily in a telephonic interview yesterday.
82. Tax revenue may rise 12 % this year and GDP is to %.
83. The government aims to balance the current budget -- adjusted for cyclical swings -- within five years while ensuring that the ratio of debt to GDP is falling by that time.
84. Green GDP is a new theoretical contribution in the field of national accounting. Currently, experiments and pilots have been taken place in many countries and some provinces in our country.
85. The OBR is forecasting especially low growth in the first half of this year, and for GDP to rise by just 2.1% in 2011 as a whole—below its 2.4% estimate of the economy's trend rate of growth.
86. The gross national debt soared to180% of GDP—three times more than America's and the largest within the OECD.
87. China has come into a rising stage of economic development with a growth of9.1percent of the GDP in2003,[] which was still normal but with over-heating investment in some fields.
88. Together , these three countries generated three - quarters of regional GDP, at PPP.
89. Maintaining current levels of aid implies the unlikely earmarking of an even greater share of GDP.
90. GDP is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year.