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Ethernet in a sentence

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Sentence count:271Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Internetkernelnonethelesshornet's nestwesternerconcernedeagernessunethicalMeaning: n. a type of networking technology for local area networks; coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second. 
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(211) It also requires special internetworking equpment to interface with other LANs, including Ethernet.
(212) In the old days, you created a network by stringing an Ethernet cable between different computers and network devices.
(213) You will have to enable a second Ethernet interface and configure PF to your needs.
(214) To handle this there is a 16 bit frame type field in the Ethernet header.
(215) To decrease the number of clock phases, the idea using adaptive interpolation is proposed for Gigabit Ethernet with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM).
(216) And finally the interconversion between Ethernet and CAN bus was realized.
(217) The second part explains the principle and realization of weighing device's Ethernet interface.
(218) Now Ethernet is the main network technology used in intranet, Ethernet switch is used to partition network segment and to make interconnection in network.
(219) The industry's move to Fast Ethernet is setting records for speed and efficiency.
(220) Network access was through a single 1 GB Ethernet adapter, running in full duplex mode.
(221) You can live without Ethernet and IIC, but the UART is really vital for debugging, if nothing else; you need to fix this.
(222) LXI (LAN extension for instrument) is the newest generation instrumentation platform which is suitable for ATS, and based on industry standard Ethernet technology.
(222) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(223) Metcalfe's Law. This one's named after Robert Metcalfe, the inventor of the computer networking protocol Ethernet.
(224) WWW also demonstrated a full protocol stack implementation of Ethernet OAM ( CFM ).
(225) Connect your printer to your wireless network, or to your router with Ethernet cable.
(226) The little plastic tab was off and the ethernet cable would pop off with little effort.
(227) This paper designs a application-specific real-time protocol based on virtual token and Ethernet, which is based on Ethernet data-frame protocol and uses idea of token bus network.
(228) No Ethernet cable is needed. The IP camera installs outdoors with 12 VAC power only.
(229) This is listening with software to the Ethernet interface for packets that interest the user.
(230) The sockets layer not only supports the typical TCP and UDP protocols, but also IP, raw Ethernet, and other transport protocols, such as Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).
(231) This paper presents the principle of DHCP technique and its application in Industrial Ethernet.
(232) With the communication interfaces of RS-232, RS-485, CAN field bus and Ethernet, it is available for different connection modes of power system.
(233) It provides transparent data communication between intelligent instrument and distant terminal through Ethernet.
(234) EPA specification is an industrial ethernet specification defined by our country which has been accepted in IEC61784-2.
(235) Select this option to provide authenticated network access for wired and wireless ethernet networks.
(236) Here are the configuration steps for a Force 10 Networks e600 multi-blade Gigabit Ethernet switch (with two 48-port blades) for routed networks where a central 48-port switch is not big enough.
(237) Works with Dial - Up , ISDN, Cable Modem, ADSL, Ethernet cards(, and more.
(238) According to the characteristics of Ethernet digital output of electronic instrument transformer, the electronic instrument transformer calibrator based on Ethernet was developed.
(239) However, the ethernet address location data is not static data.
(240) The design of monitored control system consists of the transplant for embedded real-time operation system and TCP/IP protocol, the design of application program server and Ethernet card driver.
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