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Etc. in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+14Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: and so forthand so onetceteraSimilar words: etce.ed.EtGtsec.atbetMeaning: adv. continuing in the same way. 
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121 Rarely will they define precisely what it is they wish to find out about dinosaurs or railways, etc.
122 Combine the champagne with fruit juices such as orange, pineapple, etc.
123 Five star rating Outward Bound centre - canoeing, caving, rock climbing pony trekking etc.
124 Between these two positions lies a range of literacy activity, such as personal autobiography, diaries, functional lists etc.
125 The alternatives - studying people, tissue culture, computer modelling etc. - are actually used much more than animal studies.
126 Make a check list of essential items such as a corkscrew, bottle opener and a sharp knife for cutting bread etc.
127 It is used in respect of sacred trees, shrines, etc., and is performed as an act of reverence or respect.
128 Then there are your personal papers, such as credit card statements, bank statements, insurance documents, etc.
128 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
129 It depends upon many variables such as net charge, type of buffer, time, applied potential difference, etc.
130 Ensure flexi card and any other relevant items ie. keys, warrant cards etc. are returned prior to departure.
131 All account-making springs from False Personality; through hurt vanity or pride, or wounded self-conceit, etc.
132 It hates the sight of the unemployed, and it hates to see them marching, with Jesse Jackson, etc.
133 In these accidents the air-bag punch-out forces caused a ruptured aorta, rib fractures, severe myocardial contusions, etc.
134 She looked suspiciously and said how far[], how long etc.
135 Once eye-witness statements have been obtained then proceed to obtain statements relative to systems of inspection, complaints procedures, etc.
136 Banana power can be altered in the pre-match menu, along with team colours, match length etc.
137 He says that bored youngsters turn to crime - joy riding cars etc.
138 This financial surplus will be in the form of increased holdings of bank notes, bank deposits and shares, etc.
139 Just to say that claim had been processed at his end, had all relevant documentation, etc.
140 Fully comprehensive insurance, maintenance and servicing costs etc. are also not included.
141 No, most arbitrations are pretty dull, transfer of bargaining-unit work, etc.
142 Social psychologists have conducted thousands of studies about stereotypes of outgroups or desired social distance from outgroup members, etc.
143 She knows to turn the water off, drain the tank and so on and turn electricity off and count units used etc.
144 Alternatively or in addition he may be co-opted on to other public bodies, such as hospital authorities, water authorities, etc.
145 Many students arrive at college with a new hi-fi, camera, radio, etc., which are cherished possessions.
146 Master locksmiths can make duplicates of most keys - including those for cars, safes, padlocks, etc.
147 The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc.
148 Provisional tables, etc., for the final report should be specified. 4.
149 The rubber boot is to stop ingress of dirt, etc. into the splines, causing premature failure.
150 The value of input will be the cost for operating the shop-salaries, benefits, supplies, etc.
More similar words: etce.ed.EtGtsec.atbeteacheatenderaeyegetititsjetletpetsettoyetBBCbitchbobpCap.Cent.CHCNC
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