Similar words: entrepreneur, represent, entrench, represented, entrenched, misrepresent, representative, misrepresented. Meaning: adj. 1. of or relating to an entrepreneur 2. willing to take risks in order to make a profit.
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61. The emphasis can only grow as even large companies are forced to reinvent themselves along more entrepreneurial, internet-enabled lines.
62. The real job growth and opportunities for rapid advancement will be found in three types of small, entrepreneurial companies.
63. Secondly, for a few, increased articulation will provide entrepreneurial openings.
64. Today, powerful, targeted marketing is just as essential as any other dimension in assuring entrepreneurial success.
65. These networks belong to several domains-universities, government institutions, large private companies, and small entrepreneurial start-ups.
66. At best, they put in a decent effort in executing the entrepreneurial hero's grand design.
67. Great tracts of the Middle Kingdom will be virtually indistinguishable from the tiny entrepreneurial enclave.
68. Ultimately it was only by becoming respectable that the movie industry would continue to survive as a free entrepreneurial enterprise.
69. To return control to those who work down where the rubber meets the road, entrepreneurial leaders pursue a variety of strategies.
70. Alexander often cites the company, Child Care Inc., in his campaign speeches to emphasize his entrepreneurial skills.
71. I had worked hard every summer since I was eleven, and there was an entrepreneurial streak in me.
72. Entrepreneurial strategies - as distinct from their managerial implementation - centre on investment, marketing and the form of company organisation.
73. I emphasise the development of entrepreneurial skills and decentralisation, the importance of business and pragmatic approaches.
74. Entrepreneurial, internal and finance capitalists Most of Scott's discussion focusses on the core of the business class.
75. To cope with these massive changes, entrepreneurial governments have begun to transform themselves.
76. But even more is needed to comply with Taylor and some creative and entrepreneurial business measures needed to throw up the cash.
77. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and working in our midst.
78. Management will be entrepreneurial in a relatively small informal group.
79. Because of their high failure rate, small entrepreneurial companies will continue to be volatile places to work.
80. It takes an intellectually open environment and an entrepreneurial edge to produce the kind of place that Bangalore is fast becoming.
81. Lack of internal capital and entrepreneurial experience mean that rural people are often not able to take advantage of such opportunities.
82. Entrepreneurial time is too valuable to spend on frivolous games or, even worse[], in killing time on the Internet.
83. But most entrepreneurial managers tell us that unions have not been their primary obstacle.
84. In Marx, profit is the consequence of exploitation, not a return to entrepreneurial risk-taking activity.
85. The entrepreneurial boom was supercharged by two developments.
86. It also lacks Nigeria's entrepreneurial dynamism.
87. IW promotes market solutions and advocates entrepreneurial freedom.
87. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
88. The real worry entrepreneurial learning chaffy dish skill preferred!
89. Democracy and entrepreneurial flair often sit uneasily together.
90. ARIES Energetic Rams do best in jobs are challenging, competitive and entrepreneurial.
More similar words: entrepreneur, represent, entrench, represented, entrenched, misrepresent, representative, misrepresented, representation, misrepresentation, preferential, house of representatives, burial, repress, proportional representation, intrepid, mercurial, reprehend, repressed, on trial, repressive, repression, reprehensible, irrepressible, strengthened, neoprene, eurocentric, centre, centred, entreat.