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Entrepreneurial in a sentence

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Sentence count:135Posted:2017-06-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: entrepreneurrepresententrenchrepresentedentrenchedmisrepresentrepresentativemisrepresentedMeaning: adj. 1. of or relating to an entrepreneur 2. willing to take risks in order to make a profit. 
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91. Cultivating entrepreneurial creativity and innovation should be the greatest challenge of Singaporeans.
92. We define the entrepreneurial way as opportunity recognition, innovation, and action.
93. Supply-siders argued that certain changes in tax policy--lowering marginal tax rates, reducing taxes on entrepreneurial income--were especially powerful, economically.
94. Startup School is an annual event co-sponsored by Y Combinator and BASES, Stanford University's Business Association for Entrepreneurial Students.
95. It exciting, high - growth, entrepreneurial environment and a place to work.
96. Although Franklin chose not to patent these inventions, his many other entrepreneurial activities amply demonstrate his proclivity for making money!
97. Asia is bursting with entrepreneurial energy – and bribery, backdoor deals and corporate skulduggery, if the news headlines are to be believed.
98. Offering a money back guarantee dispels the small entrepreneurial image, and alleviates skepticism more than you can imagine.
99. Encourage entrepreneurial thinking: This goes beyond profit sharing and stock options.
100. Not every social sector leader is well suited to being entrepreneurial.
101. DJ in 2002 engaged in industry, Xiaoyu has been the cause with their own deep love of DJ and diligently keep the entrepreneurial spirit of leap day.
102. It is not only small, entrepreneurial outfits that face this dilemma.
103. Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?
104. And today, the competition for the best jobs and industries favors countries that are free-thinking and forward-looking; countries with the most creative, innovative, entrepreneurial citizens.
105. We offer a decentralized, entrepreneurial culture of innovation and collaboration.
106. Zheshang entrepreneurial spirit is Zheshang after long - term business practice, and work together to create spiritual wealth.
107. Since its originated, the practice of "Reeling for Kam, pupate into butterflies" entrepreneurial spirit, persist in reform and innovation, pragmatism carefully.
108. The entrepreneurial success story is, helpfully, a well - developed genre.
109. At the same time, with the cluster innovation center become entrepreneurial incubator potential, but needs logical and active guidance and exploitation then it really works.
110. Yunus, the founder of the bank, is an entrepreneurial figure cut from the same cloth as Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.
111. The success of HP's benefit to its constant entrepreneurial spirit.
112. Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of entrepreneurial human capital value(, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation model of multi-level unascertained measurement.
113. WENZHOU, China — Here in this smoggy coastal metropolis, the nouveau-riche heart of entrepreneurial China, the latest sign that one has really made it is not a Benz, or even a Bentley.
114. Wine merchant Clinton Ang is being recognised for his entrepreneurial skills.
115. By definition, it takes get-up-and-go to get up and go , which is why immigrants are abnormally entrepreneurial.
116. Amar Bhid é , of Columbia University, suggests a fourth reason for America's entrepreneurial success - " venturesome consumers "
117. Large organizations where you have to answer to someone else are often stifling to an entrepreneurial personality.Sentence dictionary
118. Many of the entrepreneurial figures connected with the earlier era had already departed.
119. Kets de Vries, M. F. R. (1977). "The entrepreneurial personality: a person at the crossroad, "Journal of Management Studies, 14.
120. Let's see if you have the necessary entrepreneurial mindset to become self - employed.
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