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Echinacea in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2017-12-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: a bull in a china shopchina claychina cabinetpanacealeechingbeseechingbreechingechinodermMeaning: n. small genus of North American coarse perennial herbs. 
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1. The herb echinacea seems to stimulate the body's immune system.
2. The herb extract echinacea has immune - enhancing properties.
3. Echinacea also can be harmful for those who hae multiple sclerosis, diabetes, HI infections or allergies.
4. An Echinacea extract is usually made from the root or the whole plant of the herb.
5. He placed special orders at the Apothecary Shoppe: echinacea, goldenseal, chamomile teas.
6. The antioxidation activity of Echinacea, EE . pallida were studied by photometric method and ESR method.
7. Echinacea assists the ascending form in the development of the crystalline immune system.
8. Most studies don't support using vitamin C, echinacea or zinc as cold remedies.
9. Echinacea purpurea root, Kola leaf, Milk Thistle seed , Cleaver herb , Nettle leaf, Burdock root , Rosehip shells.
10. Some people take echinacea, which enhances the immune system, for the common cold.
11. Both garlic and echinacea are antiviral and antibacterial and liquorice is a good immune system enhancer.
12. Echinacea, Propolis and Slippery Elm have been added to complement this unique formula.
13. For lots of blooms, full sun is always preferable(, but echinacea will take half sun and half shade.
14. Natural lubricants and herbal extracts — including certified organic aloe, echinacea and marsh mallow — help provide excellent detangling.
15. Nor is there convincing evidence that vitamin C, nasal zinc or echinacea help off a virus.
16. Ephedra sinica, RAMULUS CINNAMOMI, Asarum sieboldii, Notopterygium, Saposhnikovia divaricata, Echinacea , calculus bovis, Dried Venom of Toads, borneol and so on .
17. However, people who are allergic to ragweed or daisy pollen can have a similar allergic reaction to echinacea.
18. There are many other herbs that are anti-viral and anti-bacterial that our channels have also found useful during these times, including Echinacea and Golden Seal.
19. Conclusion : The primer H 07 can be used for the identification of the three Echinacea species.
20. Varieties include ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rosehip, mint, rooibos (red tea), chamomile, and echinacea.
21. Often, the first medicinal herb parents learn to turn to for immune support is Echinacea root.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Contraindications: Do not use if your child has known allergies to plants of the Asteraceae (daisy) family such as calendula, chamomile, echinacea, or yarrow.
23. The academics looked at preparations of St John's wort, Asian ginseng, Echinacea, garlic, and Ginkgo, and they found that only a fraction gave users adequate safety information.
24. Not recommended for individuals with autoimmune diseases, HIV infection, progressive systemic disease, or who are allergic to echinacea or other flowers of the same Compositae (or Asteraceae) family.
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