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Duke in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+8Posted:2017-06-13Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: duchessSimilar words: nukepukeflukerebukerebukedleukemialukewarmMeaning: [djuːk]  n. 1. a British peer of the highest rank 2. a nobleman (in various countries) of high rank. 
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61 My interest in debating reached a high peak at Duke.
62 He had just won her gracious consent to attend the Grand Duke Igor's masked ball in two weeks' time.
63 Chief Justice Fortescue slid in like a spider, scuttling across to sit next to the Duke.
64 As the dance finished we curtsied again and the Duke of Edinburgh stopped to congratulate us.
65 Then he told her he had once been the Duke of Milan and she had been a princess.
66 Those who know the Duke recognise his passionate interest in the countryside and the wellbeing of those who live by the land.
67 In 1684 he married Anne, daughter of the duke of Orleans,( in a typical dynastic arrangement.
68 But nothing had prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh, says Morton.
69 The Duke was revelling in the occasion, his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy.
70 Johnson was receiving a pension from the King whose brother was the Duke of Cumberland, the butcher of the day.
71 Another poem of this period, addressed to the Duke of York, complains of his poor eyesight.
72 During the boom years of the 1980s the Duke of Westminter's company embarked on a building spree, especially in Mayfair.
73 The fact that the patron of the movement was the Duke of Edinburgh is also not without significance.
74 At Duke, John was a big man on campus with an academic tilt.
75 Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, chose his own partner too, and began to dance.
76 The revamped centre was officially opened by the Duke of Edinburgh on June 26.
77 The foundation stone was laid on 27 July 1848 by the Duke of Cambridge.
78 Le Bon Seigneur had been merciful to the Grand Duke and accorded him a fine day.
79 The most advanced bomb disposal centre in the world has been officially opened by the Duke of Kent.
80 It was hailed as the longest ride, but Duke was convinced a still longer ride was possible.
81 It may pay to be early at Catford where Dromina Duke looks the part in the second race.
82 After an arduous five-year apprenticeship in the disciplines of war the twenty-one-year-old Duke had produced his masterpiece.
83 Together, they point to aggressive empire-building by the duke in the north.
84 The Grand Duke appeared to be one of them, countermanding orders as fast as they were given.
85 Wes followed me and watched as I opened the boot and laid Duke gently on top of my black working coat.
86 And under the aegis of the Duke, a powerful protector, Strayhorn was able to live an openly gay life.
87 In public, the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V, still scheduled for 22 June.
88 Richard Duke of York meanwhile was an excellent dancer - as might be expected of a youthful extrovert with several fun-loving sisters.
89 After extensive renovation, Chiswick House was opened formally by the Duke of Devonshire to the public, in 1958.
90 When Joe inquired about these details, the duke said that gilded window frames were economical because they required no repainting.
More similar words: nukepukeflukerebukerebukedleukemialukewarm
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