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Dagger-like in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2021-02-01Updated:2021-02-01
Similar words: fingerlikedaggerladderlikeflowerlikecloak-and-daggerat daggers drawnlike for likewarlikeMeaning: adj. resembling a dagger. 
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1 Body scales covered with dagger-like spinules in 3 to 5 slightly divergent rows.
2 Its huge armored shape had an aggressive, dagger-like profile, studded with heavy weapons emplacements capable of punching through powerful shields and sturdy armor.
3 Three of the crocodiles are new species and include Kaprosuchus saharicus, a 6.5m-long beast with three sets of dagger-like tusks and an armoured snout for ramming its prey.
4 As they dive toward him, we see the distensible jaws unfold, revealing glassy dagger-like teeth several inches long.
5 Cassowary , most dangerous bird in the world, with dagger-like claw, it wouldn't feel too good to have it kicks you in the stomach...
More similar words: fingerlikedaggerladderlikeflowerlikecloak-and-daggerat daggers drawnlike for likewarlikeaggerstarlikehairlikenaggerjaggertaggerbaggerbraggerswaggerstaggerdraggermirror-likemirrorlikestaggersstaggeredexaggerateswaggeringstaggeringswagger aboutexaggeratedtiger lilyexaggeration
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