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Copyright in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+11Posted:2017-03-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: right of first publicationSimilar words: rightuprightall rightright awaybrightlyfrightenbrightenright wingMeaning: n. a document granting exclusive right to publish and sell literary or musical or artistic work. v. secure a copyright on a written work. 
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91, Copyright in chapters for a scientific textbook are often bought for sums that would hardly cover the cost of typing.
92, In general, the photograph will be protected by copyright which will be owned by the publisher or perhaps a freelance photographer.
93, It requires Member States to protect electronic databases under copyright law.
94, The judge left it to counsel to submit suggestions for appropriate relief for the limited infringement of copyright.
95, Trade sanctions have been threatened and copyright has been made a high-profile issue in international negotiations.
96, For a work which is specially commissioned or purchased, you may agree to transfer the copyright.
97, When a painting, sculpture or other item of craftwork is sold the ownership of the copyright remains with the artist.
98, The company writes to the culprits, invoking the copyright laws as it reads them.
99, The threshold for copyright protection in the United Kingdom is low compared to some other countries.
100, Zenith did not know of the existence of Acme's program - no infringement of copyright. 2.
101, The situation in Oxbridge and London is clearly less serious, since there the copyright libraries are to hand.
102, If software programs were covered by patent rather than copyright legislation, there would be ways round these difficulties.
103, They look for potential copyright infringement and verify names,( phone numbers and addresses included in scripts.
104, This will include newspaper cuttings and the references referred to above, although taking care not to breach copyright laws.
105, Neither the federal copyright law nor guidelines mentioned above apply to copying computer software, and such copying is not fair use.
106, In such an example, the photographer will own the copyright of the photograph and the artist copyright in the original work.
107, The copyright disputes were brought to public attention when the Register ran a story detailing Mr Millington's plight.
108, Publications are not available for loan, but photocopying within the terms of copyright law is available.
109, An endorsement like that may make Mr Koons forget all about losing his six-figure copyright infringement suit.
110, There is always the risk that some third party will claim, for example, to have copyright in the Vendor's works.
111, If their copyright music becomes a record and is sold, royalties become due.
112, According to the then-prevailing legal opinion, a copyright notice would have tainted its trade secret protections.
113, Last April, Kantor identified 38 countries who either denied protection of intellectual property or supported copyright and patent piracy.
114, They took out copyright on lyrics that had not even been written yet.
115, He puts it flat on the table and opens the cover and shows me the copyright.
116, A software licence does not grant an interest in the copyright but gives permission to use the software.
117, The case will establish whether the syntax of computer languages can be held copyright.
118, Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered.
119, Teachers may create lesson plans, books, and other teaching materials that they wish to copyright.
120, Contractual arrangements should be made with respect to freelance workers and the ownership of the copyright in anything they produce. 2.
More similar words: rightuprightall rightright awaybrightlyfrightenbrightenright wingforthrightsprightlyfrightfulfrightenedbrightnessplaywrightcivil rightcivil rightsfrighteninghuman rightsdivine rightunrighteousfrighten awaybill of rightsright off the batrighteousnesshard copyphotocopyhighlightfightnighteight
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