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Controlled in a sentence

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Sentence count:221+18Posted:2017-05-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: uncontrolledcontrolled economyuncontrollablecontrolling accountcontroltake controlout of controlself-controlMeaning: [kən'trəʊl]  adj. 1. restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds 2. curbed or regulated. 
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121. The heat released in this reaction, which is like a controlled hydrogen bomb explosion, is what makes the star shine.
122. That was a cruel blow for Howard Wilkinson's team, who had made a committed, controlled and commanding start.
123. Reach out and slowly lift the right arm and left leg off the floor, keeping the movement controlled.
124. Laser vaporization in a heated tube provides a means for synthesizing fullerenes by carbon condensation under controlled conditions.
125. It is a political project exhibiting all the characteristics of a centrally controlled socialist economic system.
126. As for size constancy it is linked with the coordination of perceptually controlled movements.
127. The barriers to entry are high because licenses are controlled by government.
128. It was a means of providing controlled access to the unspoilt beauty of the Park and keep it that way.
129. The Public Order Act represented the culmination of a long debate within the government about how increased civil disorder should be controlled.
130. Access to care is controlled by the client, who can choose to keep or not keep appointments.
131. The organization is controlled by aloof intellectuals who do not take an interest in the ordinary members.
132. The plaintiff was awarded £50 in damages. Exemption clauses are also controlled by statute.
133. The incident took place in airspace controlled by the military.
134. Taking controlled deep breaths will calm you down and get you into a more relaxed rhythm rather than a state of uncontrolled panic.
135. The Club controlled a section of Tribune, Gollancz eventually replacing Mellor on its editorial board.
136. If heroin use proves relatively harmless to all concerned then we should advocate legal reform and controlled availability.
137. She won approval anyway in the full Senate, which was then controlled by Democrats.
138. Money is created by men. Men are controlled by money. Money can produce a good man. Money can corrupt a good man. Dr T.P.Chia 
139. In order to get along in a world which is controlled by outsiders and Westerners, you need to get that certificate.
140. He has a new media coach and his public appearances have been carefully controlled.
141. Properly interpreted and monitored, the quarter mill map can prevent anything from a stray into controlled airspace to a fatal accident.
142. These are corporations deliberately set up, taken over, or controlled for the explicit and sole purpose of executing criminal activity.
143. Appointments to administrative posts in government departments,( public enterprises and other state bureaus are controlled by the appropriate party committee.
144. He said the warlord's militia controlled less than a square mile of the city.
145. The curriculum is controlled by Cisco but administered by each school district.
146. Their budgets are closely controlled by Congress and any departmental legislative proposals will have to run the gauntlet of Congressional scrutiny.
147. There was a short circuit Wednesday night on the side of the Cal State Northridge gym where the scoreboard is controlled.
148. People's performances, including their dress and speech, can in this way be closely controlled.
149. Until now cannabis, or hemp, was an illegal plant, classified as a schedule B controlled drug.
150. The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.controlled oscillator with the controlling voltage generated by an analogue circuit.
More similar words: uncontrolledcontrolled economyuncontrollablecontrolling accountcontroltake controlout of controlself-controlunder controlcontrol groupremote controldamage controlbeyond controlquality controlair traffic controltrolleyenrolledstrollercomptrollerrolled into onecontroversycontroversialuncontroversialincontrovertibletrollrollerstrollon the contrarytrollingroller-skate
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