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Cap in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beatcovercrownexcellidtopAntonym: hatSimilar words: Cap.capitacapitalcapturecaptainlandscapecapabilityMeaning: [kæp]  n. 1. a tight-fitting headdress 2. a top (as for a bottle) 3. a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive 4. something serving as a cover or protection 5. a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom 6. an upper limit on what is allowed 7. dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a tooth 8. the upper part of a column that supports the entablature. v. 1. lie at the top of 2. restrict the number or amount of. 
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121) McMurphy heaves up out of his chair and pulls his cap off as he walks over.
122) In a scalloped sun-trap glade carpeted with misty bluebells a black cap sang.
123) She stopped beside a man wearing T-shirt, plus fours, cartridge belt, and baseball cap back to front.
124) The temperature had reached 30 degrees, but one of the athletes completed training still in his full tracksuit and baseball cap.
125) One boy is slouched down in his chair, wearing a baseball cap, the bill turned backward.
126) A brown and blue woollen cap was still on his head but askew.
127) The man in the baseball cap was moving through the crowd towards us.
128) Instead of metal serving-dishes there was an officer's uniform laid out there, complete with peaked cap and well-shined high boots.
129) Her long black hair, beneath a white coif, was further concealed by a small black cap.
130) Since then, the death cap has been steadily expanding its range, helped along recently by a string of rainy winters.
131) The porter took a tip from Stephen, touched his cap and wheeled his barrow away.
132) The baby never has colic, thrush, diaper rash, infant acne,[] or cradle cap.
133) The fitted blue jacket and the small cap with the red button disappeared.
134) I wondered if I should take the cap off the radiator and pour in some more coolant.
135) In respect of cars, there is a cap on the amount perannum for which Newco can claim allowances.
136) A spokeswoman for his department said it would effectively act as a cap on costs.
137) To cap it all most of the student body dressed to complement the period when the university was built.
138) They distrust the arrangements for settling the issues of cap badges and flags.
139) He was wearing a peaked cap of brown leather and a long black overcoat.
140) He had a round face and was wearing a baseball cap.
141) A little girl with wiry braids kicks a bottle cap at his shoes.
142) He was also shot in the head by a gunman wearing a baseball cap.
143) Oh yes, Lemon had quite a bit up top, he should imagine, and all concealed under the cap and bells.
144) One person decides to wear a baseball cap back to front[], and then others do likewise without bothering to ask why.
145) We eat, and then little Charlie gets his baseball cap, which turns out to be a bit small.
146) The cap badge worn at the turn-of-the-century was a white metal normal light infantry stringed bugle-horn surmounted by a ducal coronet.
147) The Dolphins are $ 4 million under the cap but also have 17 players set to become unrestricted free agents.
148) We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap.
149) Eyes shaded by his trademark red cap, Chick Cashman settles into the small booth, facing me across the Formica table.
150) The prime suspect is a man in his 20s, who wears blue overalls and a red baseball cap.
More similar words: Cap.capitacapitalcapturecaptainlandscapecapability
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