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Booked in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+26Posted:2017-06-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hookedcookedcrookeduncookedprecookedoverlookedunlooked-forcrookednessMeaning: [bʊkt]  adj. reserved in advance. 
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181. We also booked hotels in advance, since the guidebooks said that they tended to be busy.
182. They had booked a Toyota camper van and told the hire company they intended spending the next three weeks touring New Zealand.
183. As the tension mounted, Mal Donaghy and Le Saux were booked for rash challenges.
184. He was arrested and booked into the city jail for driving while intoxicated.
185. The entire floor had been booked by the Zimbalan delegation although only ten rooms were being used.
186. Visitors have already booked every hotel room within 80 miles of downtown Atlanta.
187. She and Gwen, a fellow widow and expatriate, were booked on an escorted tour of the Holy Land.
188. The fares on the single headed trains were competitively priced and they were fully booked.
189. There is usually a waiting list, so places should be booked as early as possible.
190. She was booked on to a flight arriving in London at midday but failed to board the plane.
191. It promised about 25,000 people who have already booked that they will get refunds of up to £70 each.
192. Dame, who last year booked her into $ 2 million worth of speeches, at $ 30, 000 each.
193. Nelson was booked for a tour of Japan in August.
194. Annie hired a new manager, William A.. Banks, who booked her in a number of state fairs.
195. We booked our return tickets to Rome well in advance and got some great fares.
196. Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year.
197. If you were sleeping with me, I'd have booked a double room.
198. The best reception venues tend to be booked well in advance.
199. Electrical supplies and additional lighting can be booked for exhibition purposes.
200. He booked in at the special executive reception on the eighteenth floor[], reserving an executive suite on the twentieth floor.
201. I booked two rooms at the Hotel Colombi from Frankfurt Airport.
202. Following the incident in which Galloway was booked, Steve Pittman deceived Bonner with a curling free kick from 22 yards.
203. Heavily-weighted oil stocks also weighed the market down as investors booked profits after the sector's recent strong run.
204. Not only have they been booked solid for months for convention week, but their meeting rooms are jammed with lavish receptions.
205. Cooper was booked instead after the Motherwell player gave full vent to his feelings about that decision.
206. Bogdanovich shot the footage with Boris and booked other actors to complete the film, shooting over the succeeding ten days.
207. These amounts measure the exposure value of each party's sites, regardless of how they were booked.
208. Oddly the cottage was fully booked when we tried to take it again at Easter.
209. Often these must be booked in advance. Full details from the museum.
210. Two coaches are fully booked with dozens more Italia-bound by air, mini-bus and car.
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