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Beloved in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+13Posted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: darlingdeardearesthoneyloveloved oneSimilar words: hit below the beltbelowbelonglibelousbelong tolovebelongingloverMeaning: [bɪ'lʌvd]  n. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment. adj. dearly loved. 
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61. He could not bear the thought of his beloved mother dying without him seeing her.
62. He has recreated the mood of his beloved Provence in a lyrical mural of clustered vines.
63. This adversity he turned to good advantage, for here was time to devote to his beloved natural history.
64. I don't know if I will ever forgive Madness' fans: they took away my beloved Morrissey.
65. He cared deeply about his beloved state of Massachusetts and about our country and its future.
66. He had his beloved wife Helen by his side in the last days and hours of his life.
67. Then I raise my glass and offer a libation to my beloved.
68. Only listened to classical music on the radio or her beloved Chopin on the gramophone.
69. Will the Cosbys ever feel safe again in a world in which their beloved son was murdered?
70. The wandering spirit was ousted, Diana's younger brother Charles revealed in an exclusive interview,[ ] and their beloved dad recovered.
71. Then, in Hong Kong, Chris Patten and family were reunited with their beloved terrier whose disappearance caused a diplomatic incident.
72. Steve Spurrier is too volatile, too aloof, to be beloved by any non-Gator.
73. Even animals were known to have returned from the dead to say farewell to their beloved masters.
74. My beloved Poole! in excessive anxiety, I believe it might originate.
75. By contrast, some past winners have lamented that the prize diverts them from their beloved lab work.
76. The hotel is full of charm and character and Penny Rawson's beloved and rare plants.
77. I think he is beloved by Alice Fenwick(, but does not see her devotion.
78. Yet he hated to think of Wheeler, who represented everything bogus and hollow, desecrating his beloved church.
79. She is still grieving deeply after the death of her beloved husband and manager Bobby Willis last October.
80. She put on a shawl and told Denver and Beloved to do likewise.
81. As long as they had their beloved stock market, they seemed not to mind their relative penury.
82. In fact, only King Richard Petty, who shares with Earnhardt the record for championships, was ever so beloved.
83. Maybe it was time Anna faced reality and dealt with the truth about her beloved grandson.
84. Just one of those casual I-can-do-anything-I-want-any-time-I-want-and-make-you-like-it gestures so beloved of megalomaniacs, mass murderers and the Gunmint.
85. And the more fine points she made, the more detail she provided, the more Beloved liked it.
86. But surely she owed her beloved that honour at least, the honour of single combat, which is a dragon's privilege.
87. Much beloved of New York homeboys, the Cuccini hat looks set to replace the old school Kangol.
88. He slipped through the skylight and sat at her feet, small like a baby, sweet like a beloved puppy.
89. He did not lack courage, but it pained him acutely to see his beloved army bloodied.
90. However, even this chore was quickly organised to accommodate regular visits to his beloved Scourie.
More similar words: hit below the beltbelowbelonglibelousbelong tolovebelonginglovercloveglovein loveall overslovenlymull overfall in loveimprovedit is believed thatlove affairhand in gloveall over againbe in love withfall in love withall over the worldover and overover and over againdivedpavlovianrevivedlive downderived
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