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W3 in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2023-09-21Updated:2023-09-21
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1. Serve the document as well formed XML, with HTML elements in the xhtml namespace ( and the MathML elements in the MathML namespace (
2. For example, suppose a user opens the w3 Home page (served by the first EAR), clicks Edit in the MarketReport portlet (invoking the second EAR), and adds a new stock symbol.
3. We had to customize the w3 application code to share profile changes and changes in personalized portlet settings between the two EAR files that make up our application.
4. To use this attribute(, you first need to declare the namespace on the description element.
5. Every unqualified name such as schema and element belongs to default namespace
6. Our w3 Home page can have up to ten portlets, resulting in up to ten session contexts per page.
7. We were not providing full integration with the w3 entitlement system, so the amount of information that the custom registry was returning was limited.
8. In w3, The Essential links portlet gives employees a list of links that let them find their favorite areas of the Web site quickly.
9. Attaching policy to "Message Policy Subject",, from the WebGUI is not supported.
10. The link to register for the W3C Social Business Jam can be found here at the W3C website:
11. The w3 site collects traffic statistics and logs URLs with a tool called SurfAid.
12. The success of W3 marks the victory of descriptivism in English lexicography and most modern English dictionaries are compiled following the descriptive principle.
13. For our w3 site, however, there are times when users would not receive the information they expected if sessions did not retain objects across HTTP requests.
14. For an interesting example of using XSLT as a code compiler, take a look at the DOM Test Suite now being developed,
15. For the w3 application, we were able to achieve 60 page views/second per server for extended periods of time on a cluster of four p650 4-way 1.2 GHz machines.
16. WSDL 2.0 is an XML language with the core namespace
17. One additional note and warning: The book uses the XInclude namespace that was current at the time it was written -- -- but this is no longer current.
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  • MBWUpmEH 2023-09-24 13:25:11
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