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Vlsi in a sentence

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Sentence count:60Posted:2024-10-17Updated:2024-10-17
Similar words: LSIpulsingall-sidedfalsityfalsifypalsiedcall signcelsius
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1, Based on studying VLSI architectures of fixed block size motion estimation for H. 264, the paper proposes one integer and one fractional motion estimation VLSI architectures to get high data reuse.
2, One of the significant components of low power VLSI design is how to reduce the clock related power. Some researches show that the clock system consumes 20%-50% of the total chip power.
3, A novel VLSI design and implementation of a low power 8 bit microcontroller using asynchronous logic is proposed.
4, VLSI design and implementation of loop filter for AVS high - definition video decoder paper.
5, For VLSI implementation, Low operation voltage and switching current are the major concerns.
6, It is important to the calculation of VLSI critical area and the optimization of IC layout design.
7, With the rapid growth of complexity of VLSI, more and more logic simulation has adopted parallel discrete event simulation.
8, In VLSI design, the hardware reuse technique is employed to save area costs.
9, As the density of VLSI circuits increases and the technique of IC manufacturing develops, fault testing on digital integrated circuits becomes more and more complex and difficult to implement.
10, A gridless routing algorithm for VLSI design is presented in this paper.
11, Finite state machine (FSM) is a reflection of VLSI control path, and its automatic synthesis becomes a very important step of design automation (DA).
12, Very large-scale integration ( VLSI ) vastly increased circuit density , giving rise to the microprocessor.
13, In VLSI design, gate level fault simulation is often too slow to meet the demand of time- to-market. Thus the register transfer level (RTL) fault simulation has become a hot topic recently.
14, In this paper, a VLSI architecture for variable block size motion estimation (VBSME) in H. 264 standard is proposed.
15, Consequently, the metal interconnects of VLSI have smaller sectional area and carry increasing power density, which made the electromigration become one of the main latent damage modes.
16, Investigates the implementation scheme of cellular automata(CA) for application in the pseudo-random test of very large scale integration(VLSI) as a test pattern generator.
17, The methods of testing VLSI circuits mainly include ATE-based external test, build-in self-test (BIST) and test resource partition (TRP) based optimization test.
18, Along with the development of manufacture technology of VLSI, IC design emphasizes reusable design and short design cycle more and more.
19, A 32KB Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), which is widely used at present in VLSI, is designed in this paper.
20, This Paper describes some problems, which are very important for parallel computation, on storage allocation for pipeline processors, parallel processors,[] multiprocessors and VLSI Compuer systems.
21, Time delay is added in global routing design because its(considerable) effect on the deep submicron and super deep submicron stage of VLSI and ULSI design.
22, This paper introduces an image processing equipment and it's hardware from IC, LSI to VLSI, and a developing aspect of processing method in parallel and in pipeline which are generally used nowadays.
23, The Titanium silicide film has its potential advantage in forming a gate electrode and interconnection for VLSI because of its low resistivity and some other good characteristics.
24, A stable recursive algorithm is presented for the transient simulation of interconnect systems in the high-speed VLSI and multichip modules (MCMs).
25, Due to the scale-down of the process technologies, the operating frequency and circuit complexity of CMOS VLSI increase significantly.
26, A multiprocessor architecture of one dimentional two level control flow for parallel implementation of a backtracking control strategy in a VLSI expert system is presented in this paper.
27, They have a simple construction with low power dissipation and low output impedance and can be used as interfacing circuits in VLSI designs to reduce the number of external connections on a chip.
28, Electromigration in metal thin film interconnection is one of the important problems for VLSI reliability.
29, This paper presented an innovative analytical delay model for RLC interconnects utilized in the estimation of interconnect delay for deep submicrometer VLSI circuits.
30, There are three physical effects on the power grid. Among them, IR-Drop effect and ground bounce effect impact the signal integrity while electro-migration impacts the reliability of VLSI design.
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