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Vlsi in a sentence

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Sentence count:60Posted:2024-10-17Updated:2024-10-17
Similar words: LSIpulsingall-sidedfalsityfalsifypalsiedcall signcelsius
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31, This Paper describes some problems, which are very important for parallel computation, on storage allocation for pipeline processors, parallel processors, multiprocessors and VLSI Computer systems.
32, Finding obstacle-avoiding shortest path is an important problem in VLSI design, and connection graph is a fundamental tool to resolve the problem.
33, A video interpolation algorithm based on triangulation analysis and high-frequency compensation is proposed. And its VLSI architecture implementation is given in this.
34, The numerical technique of differential quadrature (DQ)method is employed for transient simulation of the interconnect systems in high speed VLSI.
35, We presented an optimal algorithm for VLSI L channel routing with crosstalk constraints.
36, The theory of rectilinear embeddings of graphs has been used in the design of VLSI.
37, Two main aspects in VLSI testing, fault simulation and test generation, are researched in this dissertation.
38, At first, this thesis introduces the VLSI physical design process, based on this leads to the rectilinear Steiner tree problem.
39, This assignment required expertise in C programming on RS/6000 under AIX, detailed knowledge of rasterization algorithms, and cross-functional coordination with the VLSI designers.
40, This paper theoretically advances the conception of reverse statistical simulation in the statistical analysis of VLSI, by which a statistical simulator of NMAS digital circuit STANMOS is developed.
41, With the rapid development and inter-syncretize of VLSI, computer and communication, video surveillance technology has become embedded system based on web server from analog system in the past.
42, But for the design of 64-bit stream processor, there are many challenges because of the limit of VLSI technology.
43, Instantaneous companding circuit, namely, Log-domain circuit, is the key technique used by international academia to develop the low-voltage and low-power analog VLSI in recent years.
44, The characteristic of MVP is the conversion from netlist to weighted undirected graph and its objective is to improve the efficiency of VLSI partitioner by avoiding partitioning netlist directly.
45, Driven by development of modern VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated circuit) and power electronics technology, the power IC (Integrated Circuit) has progressed rapidly and found wide applications.
46, Nickel is one of the most important metallic impurity in very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI). It affects seriously the VLSI properties.
47, Silicon based germanium quantum - dot ( QD ) devices are highly focused for itscompatibility with mature VLSI processing technology.
48, The interactive graphic editors or text editors with absolute coordinates are commonly used for LSI/VLSI layout design today.
49, With the development of the deep sub-micron technology, the power consumption of the integrated circuit (IC) has become a dominant design constraint in modern VLSI design.
50, With the development of very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI), the quality of thin gate oxide plays a very important role in the reliability of devices and circuits.
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51, Very large-scale integration (VLSI) vastly increased circuit density, giving RisE to the microprocessor.
52, A dispatching algorithm for VLSI processes is presented. Astrategy module and a schedule module are cooperated to arrange process steps into equipment queues.
53, The structured design of integrating software, hardware, computer architecture, VLSI technology and testability together, is introduced.
54, As accumulators are available in many VLSI circuits, such reuse design can save much hardware cost and be adopted effectively as BIST test pattern generator for robustly delay fault testing.
55, In VLSI design flow, design rule checking ( DRC ) is an important step.
56, This kind of optoelectronic logic circuit is fully compatible with VLSI technique and therefore promising for the application to optical signal processing, optical communication and optical computing.
57, Facing the challenge of design scale of VLSI becoming larger, except for circuit parallel, the existing basic parallel approaches cannot solve test generation complexity problems radically.
58, With the rapid improvement of VLSI technology and semiconductor technology, the large amounts of hardware which is needed by vector processing can be integrated in a single chip.
59, This paper proposes a new algorithm for computing the maximum distance sequence, which are general for VLSI circuit test and software test technique.
60, BBP88. a knowledge-based expert system for VLSI BBL placement design is introduced in this paper.
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