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TEAC in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2018-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: teachteacherteacuptea cozyteach-intea caddyteachingteachable
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1 What was happened to your English teac...
2 Role Play as a Teac...
3 In the anti-oxidative study, the highest Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and DPPH scavenging activity were also from the aqueous extract of leaf.
4 The antioxidant activity of Limonium simens(Girard) Kuntze root extract was examined using various antioxidant assays, such as reducing power, DPPH assay, TEAC assay, lipid peroxidation.
5 I think maybe could add a new CD decoder for Teac 7 N?
More similar words: teachteacherteacuptea cozyteach-intea caddyteachingteachableteacher's petteacher's dayhead teacherunteachablemusic teachertea ceremonyteaching aidschoolteacherteach a lessonremote accessschool teacherenglish teacherscience teacherstudent teacherteaching methodstorm in a teacupteaching fellowa storm in a teacupimmediate accessabsolute accuracyteach an old dog new trickstea
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