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Sol. in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2018-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: solsoldsolisolesolasolosoldersolon
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1. I knew it was weird, sol didn't tell anyone.
2. Has Sol got through to you yet?
3. And, of course, Sol Campbell is another strong contender.
4. There's this picturesque white elephant development on the Costa del Sol, apparently going for a song.
5. During the spring the Sol becomes a torrent as melt waters vastly increase the volume of water.
6. What the heck was a logging camp doing in the middle of San Pedro canyon and above the Puerto del Sol falls?
7. For instance Sol, the beer sold in London's trendy cafe bars at £2 a time, is just 25p a bottle.
8. The river Sol is the southernmost of the Empire's rivers.
9. They knew what the signal meant: Sol Minskoff almost never consulted his colleagues about music choices.
10. Costa del Sol is a comment on the package holiday, a couple being serenaded by Antonio.
11. But I don't want that sort of marriage - no disrespect to your Sol, sister dear!
12. Admittedly I was on the Costa del Sol at a private international school and not in the capital.
13. Cantor was pleased to have put one over on their first violinist, Sol Minskoff.
14. The group already is scheduled to participate in the Parada del Sol in Scottsdale, a bowl-sanctioned event.
15. Methods 4 aminopyridine(4 AP)(lmg·kg -1 ) was used to induce a licking response in mice. The antiallergic and antipruritic effect of sol. hongshedingtong were observed.
16. Mais soudain un bruIt 'sourd qui semblait venir de sous terre fit trembler le sol.
17. "Obviously we're going to go with what makes the most sense for Austin and for the department," she says. So Fred Durst may be, well, — SOL.
18. It is simple process, less pollution, low cost, good quality casting, and can meet producing of locomotive casting, that the investment pattern was made from the shell mold was made from silica sol.
19. The optical microscope photographs show that the molecular sieve is well dispersed in the silica sol.
20. Winners of this year's inaugural rhythm section contest got to perform on the track Punta Del Sol.
21. But if he told his family that he intended to be an author, he did not convince Papa Sol.
22. Supporters of a movement protesting against the ongoing financial crisis, take part in a demonstration at Madrid's Puerta del
23. The electrokinetic potential of the sol is the main cause for which the electrokinetic phenomena develop. Its magnitude has direct effect on the stability of the sol.
24. Clashes with private security guards and with the police, who receive a monthly stipend paid by Shougang, are common in Ruta del Sol.
25. No distinction was made by the Greek poets of later times between Apollo and the sun-god, Helios . As little did the Romans distinguish between Apollo and Sol.
26. More than 10, 000 demonstrators of all ages gathered peacefully in Madrid's spacious Plaza de Cibeles on Saturday and than walked uphill to Puerta del Sol.
27. In fact Planet Earth is very largely powered by an enormous nuclear fusion plant Sol.
28. The exhibits include the striking series of etchings, Cantic del Sol.
29. The 13 minutes I have spent outside left me out of breath, swearing and aching all over, my face so red it looks like I've just returned from a week on the Costa del Sol.
30. HTV silicone rubbers filled with three types of fumed nano silica were also prepared for comparison with HTV silicone rubber reinforced by hydrophobic nano silica sol.
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