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SOC in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2018-10-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: socksockshassocksocketsocialsoccerso-calledcassock
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31. Zero IF architecture is preferable to SOC system because of fewer off-chip devices. Here, it introduces different RF receiver architectures in the paper.
32. The design process of SOC is to map decoding algorithm for TS (Transport Stream) , video and audio into processor design space.
33. Precise state of charge(SOC) of traction battery is a key factor for power distribution of HEV power system, total control of vehicle and cost reduction.
34. For a complicated SOC, on - chip interconnect is one of the most challenging problems.
35. Design circuit for SoC ( System on Chip ) design verification in FPGA prototype phase and product phase.
36. Furthermore , this article tries to combine theories with reality and have some soc ial practical meaning.
37. If that cell's SOC is not periodically balanced with the rest of the batteries, then it will eventually be driven into deep discharge, leading to damage, and eventually complete battery stack failure.
38. SOC models suggest that local stress measurements may not be representative of the global organization.
39. There are neurons projection to inferior colliculus in medial and lateral system of SOC.
40. It is difficult for conventional method to correctly predict battery state of charge ( SOC ).
41. The concentrations of SOC , TN, AN decreased with the increases of land - use intensity.
42. This paper discusses the basic theory of digital television signal generator and its realization based on SoC.
43. A deterministic algorithm is proposed for System - on - Chip ( SOC ) test scheduling.
44. As the basic SoC design technique, the AHB bus interface design consists of master module interface design and slave module interface design.
45. The application of series EEPROM has become an important component of SOC in the embedded systems.
46. SOC ( System - on - chip ) is one kind of large scale and complex IC driven by high clock frequency.
47. We investigate several cellular automation (CA) models which exhibit SOC character, design computational algorithms and give simulations.
48. The clock isolation method has been successfully implemented and verified in a complex SoC design.
49. This paper presents a core test language ( CTL ) of SOC IP ( Intellectual Property ) core design.
50. Main task of it to monitor state of battery and estimate it's states-of-charge (SOC).
51. Soil carbon management index (CMI) sensitively reflected the dynamics changes of SOC pool under with different land use and different soil managements.
52. It has also completed ASIC implementation of SOC that include BMC, system center controller and CODEC.
53. Based on the power request and SOC, the fuzzy logic controller can distribute the engine given power to realize constant SOC control.
54. Result of verification shows that the SoC solution meets the development trend of phased array radar beam steering system with high speed, high level, miniaturization and integration.
55. Test scheduling determines an assignment of cores to test access mechanism such that the overall test application time of system on chip (SOC) is minimized.
56. It was very importance for the battery management system in electric vehicles to measure and estimate the state of charge(SOC) of lead-acid batteries.
57. Yang said the foreign ministers meeting was mainly aimed at making sure the SOC members are politically prepared for the bloc's Tashkent summit in June.
58. During long-distance traveling, it will switch to hybrid mode when state of charge (SOC) reaches the low limit.
59. This visual programming tool makes it easier for the SoC user to configure their device as seen in this video.
60. The FITS files will be sent to the Kepler Scientific Operations Center(SOC) at Ames Research Center in California, where the science data analysis will be carried out.
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