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PVP in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2018-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
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31. The mixed clarifying agent, which is made from gelatines, digallic acids and PVP, is added to the passiflora edulis juice. The test shows that the effect is good.
32. Famotidine dispersible tablets were prepared. The influence of PVP concentration, sodium starch glycolate quantity and different medium on disintegration and dissolution rate is discussed.
33. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was composed with other surfactants and organic additives to probe its properties when used in anti-staining detergents and soaping agents for reactive dyeing.
34. Objective To probe into the inhibitory effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) on human urinary bladder carcinoma cells T24 in vitro.
35. The main factors that influence tablet hardness and disintegration time are wetting agent ethanol, agglutinating agent polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) and tablet pressure.
36. METHODS:Carvedilol solid dispersions were prepared using solvent-melting and coevaporation methods with PEG-6000 and PVP as carriers and in vitro dissolubility was studied in simulated gastric juice.
37. The result showed that loss of vitamin C of Pullulanase polysaccharide was much less than that of PVP K30 during vacuum drying and storage.
38. Soil microbial total DNA could not be obtained through DNA gel extraction kit after purification with 1% Sepharose containing 2% of PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) agarose gel electrophoresis.
39. Conclusion the same concentration the antioxidative effect of rutin - PVP coprecipitates equals of BHA and PC.
40. It uses polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and low viscosity ethyl cellulose (EC) as combined carrier, ethyl alcohol as solvent, and adopts spray-drying method to prepare tanshinone solid dispersion.
41. When PVP or HCO-60 was added to a deuterated chloroform solution of nitrazepam, the 1H-NMR signals of N (1 )-H shifted to lower magnetic fields.
42. Portal-azygous devascularization can maintain PVP and PG in portal vein and do not affect liver function of the control rats but it can damage liver cell in cirrhotic rats.
43. Liver cancer was induced by Low close aflatoxin B _ 1 ( AFB _ 1 ) and inhibited by Polystictus Versicolor Polysaccharide ( PVP ) in rats.
43. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
44. Objective To study the target localization at posteroventral pallidotomy (PVP) in order to treat Parkinson's disease (PD) and explore the law of the target coordinates.
45. Objective: The authors studied norfloxacin PVP coprecipitate in order to provide references for difficult soluble drug to improve dissolution.
46. Objective: Pharmacokinetics of FPA PVP coprecipitate was studied in order to provide reference for clinical use.
47. If he already blew his PVP trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready.
48. The applications of polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) in the preparation of pharmaceuticals, especially for adhesion, dispersion, film-coating, and controlled release etc. , are summarized.
49. The interaction between sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) and polyethyleneglycol(PEG) or polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP) with different molecular weights was studied with surface tension method.
50. Amphiphilic poly(vinyl pyridine)(PVP) with uniform polyoxyethylene(PEO) was synthesized by copolymerization of the PEO macromer with 2-vinyl pyridine in benzene, using AIBN as initiator.
51. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is a kind of fine polymer obtained by free radical polymerization of N-vinyl pyrrolidone (NVP).
52. The composite modified electrodes composed of two kind of oppositely charged ionic exchange polymerAQ(Cationic exchange polymer) and PVP(Anionic exchange polymer) have been prepared.
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