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Mrs in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+50 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: MrMsor soarmartaseragasMeaning: [ˈmɪsɪz]  n. a form of address for a married woman mrs.. n. a form of address for a married woman. 
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31. was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs Y.
32. Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes.
33. Mrs Yacoub was robbed of her £3,000 designer watch at her West London home.
34. Mrs. Brown was anxious to marry off her five daughters.
35. Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes.
36. He came forward with his hand out. "Mr and Mrs Selby?" he enquired.
37. Perry would always flatter Mrs. Mitchell by praising her cooking.
38. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
39. Mrs Pankhurst was one of the chief protagonists of women's rights.
40. Mrs Clayton had to hold Lizzie's hand as they ascended the steps.
41. Mrs Armstrong regrets that she cannot accept your kind invitation.
42. He had a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs Smith.
43. "There's no call for talk like that," Mrs Evans reproved him.
44. She kept sucking up to the teachers, especially Mrs Clements.
45. She lodged with Mrs Higgins when she first came to Cambridge.
46. Mrs. Simpson will rule on such dispute.
47. "If you don't mind," Mrs. Dambar said genially.
48. Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.
49. The judge divorced Mr. and Mrs. Tom.
50. Are you Mrs Grant, by any chance?
51. I misread "Mrs" as "Mr".
52. Mrs Keane is a comfortable(, homely person.
53. Mrs Patrick Campbell was an honoured guest.
54. There's Mrs. Brien taking her brood for a walk.
55. Mrs Bass's dog was already hot on his heels.
56. Mrs Montgomery was delivered into Mr Hinchcliffe's care.
56. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
57. Mrs Howell had an easy delivery.
58. A Mrs Green is waiting to see you.
59. Mrs Zuckerman does not fraternize widely.
60. Mrs Murphy is blessed with twelve children.
More similar words: MrMsor soarmartaseragashershisitsorprotryusvsyesAP190aridas isbagsBBCbobpbriskc.Cap.CHCNC
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