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K12 in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-10-16Updated:2024-10-16
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(1) Campus networks include university and college campuses, research laboratories, private companies, and educational sites such as K-12 school districts.
(2) The governor also expects increases in funding for K-12 education to have a long-term positive effect on gang problems, Tremblay said.
(3) Anti-collision capacity can achieve K12 standard.
(4) K12 allows students to learn at their own level and has a strong social community with regularly sponsored events.
(5) Results The NIH3T3 cells transformed with K12 gene formed colony in soft agar and induce tumorigenesis in nude mouse.
(6) After the information literacy for K12, in 2000, the USA government made American Information Literacy Competency for Higher Education.
(7) K12 was paid $1.5 million last year to provide the curriculum, technology and management services for the charter school, and is on the hook to the school for any claims or challenges to its validity.
(8) Actually, I continuously in K12, in diving! Many thanks everybody's care!
(9) K12 is the largest provider of accredited online learning for grades K-12.
(10) Ron J. Packard, the chief executive of K12, an online education company in Herndon, Va., s adamant that he runs a public school.
(11) Objective To determine whether the K12 gene of Kaposi′s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus(KSHV) can transform the mouse fibrosis cell lines NIH3T3 in vitro and to induce tumorigenesis in vivo.
(12) Part three:Introduce and analyze the construction and implementation of American K12 online learning.
(13) The result demonstrates that the thematic database based on the theory of knowledge management is more practical for the K12 teachers.
(14) Mark Kushner, Senior Vice President of School Development and Partnerships, K12, Inc.
(15) Just about four years ago, Google launched Apps for Education - a version of Google's online productivity tools (including Gmail and Google Docs) that is geared towards K12 schools and colleges.
(16) But a similar suit in Wisconsin spurred that state's legislature to enact a law in April that allowed the Wisconsin Virtual Academy, another K12 partner, to continue to enroll students.
(17) Models based on supposed reaction mechanism were built; reactive extraction equilibrium constant K11, K12 were got by linear or non-linear regression of experiment data.
(18) Conclusion: Baculovirus transfer vector may mediate the coding protein of HHV-8 K12 gene expressed in insect cells.
(19) The maize hybrid Shendan 16 is combined with inbred line Shen137 and K12 introduced from outside by Shenyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
(20) My son has been enrolled in an online school that uses the K12 curriculum.
(21) The kinetics of the bacteriolytic effect on E. coli K12 D31 were studied at different concentrations of cecropin D from Antheraea pernyi.
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