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F.A. in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-04-12Updated:2024-04-12
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1. Rudi considered F a punitive grade, and he almost never gave one out.
2. The F.A.O. says developing countries grew more potatoes than developed countries for the first time in two thousand five.
3. Neil: Today's new word is 'fag' – F.A.G. – fag.
4. In the end, Jacques Diouf, head of the F.A.O., said differences of opinion about biofuels were too wide to settle.
5. Yet, the F.A.O. says, aid to agriculture fell almost sixty percent from nineteen eighty-four to two thousand four.
6. Around the world, the F.A.'s version of the game continued to be called association football to distinguish it from the rest.
7. Little known outside of China, the country's corn industry actually grows one-fifth of the world's corn, according to F.A.O. statistics.
8. Mr. Gunjal said the special alert on China was the first that the F.A.O. had issued anywhere in the world this year.
9. So we're already at more than $41, 000 and we haven't even gotten to his daily sushi intake, the expense account at F.A.O. Schwartz and the kiddie birthday parties at Top of the Rock.
Total 9, 30 Per page  1/1 
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