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CN in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2018-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
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1 H4Fe(CN)6), a white unstable acid formed from ferrocyanide salts.
2 The Common Name (CN) in the Subject field.
3 CN Composite Number and Name data type.
4 A suspected 7th case of foot-and-mouth disease was reported Thursday in Andong, South Korea, according to
5 All games on 9 haowan. cn are copyrighted or trademarked by their respective owners or authors.
6 The pot calls the kettle black. CN leaves me too much pity.
8 The self-made cellulose acetate(CA), as the second polymer,( is blended with chitosan(CN). Phase transfer method is used to prepare the ultrafilter membrane.
9 CN Tower is the sign of the city of Toronto, both as television transmission tower, is tourism and cultural activities resort.
10 Namalycastis Abiuma was found in the aerobic biofilter(CN filter)in Xiamen Second Wastewater Treatment Plant. Namalycastis Abiuma may cause clogging of the filter nozzles.
11 is the subject/CN the Netbios hostname or the fully qualified domain name of the LDAP server?
12 has launched a survey, asking "if Xiao Yueyue was a drop-dead beauty, would you still love the story?"
13 Google launched its Chinese-language Web site,, in 2006. Lee Kai-Fu helmed the company's operations in the country until he resigned in 2009 to start a venture firm.
14 Zhang created a site,, that included the so-called "death blog" and essentially led to the vigilantism.
15 Objective To study the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of central neurocytoma (CN).
16 Waterproofing mechanism of CN 2000 B coating was explored with Scanning Electron Microscopy ( SEM ) .
17 Vestibular schwannomas are the most common cranial nerve (CN) schwannoma, followed by trigeminal and facial and then glossopharyngeal and vagus schwannomas.
18 To go to the first error, type :cfirst in ESC mode; to go to every subsequent error, use :cn; to go to the last error, type :clast.
19 Xu Linlin ( It's reported the local police force in Suqian feel so understaffed that they have to mobilize the public to participate in security maintenance.
20 Jazz fans can wrap up the night at JZ (46 Fuxing West Road; 86-21-6431-0269;, a club with nightly live performances and an Old Shanghai speakeasy vibe.
21 In particular, the chiral phase transfer catalysts (PTC) have been almost limited to Cinchona alkaloid, such as Cinchonine (CN), Quinine (QN) and related compounds.
22 The company runs google. cn, its China-registered website, in a joint venture with a domestic partner, as Chinese law bars -foreigners from holding controlling stakes in the internet content business.
23 AIM: To investigate the effect of botulin A (BTA) on patients with congenital nystagmus (CN).
24 Central neurocytoma (CN) is a rare but usually benign cerebral intraventricular tumor of young adults which can be confused with oligodendroglioma and other neoplasms.
25 Objective To assess quantitatively the therapeutic effects of surgical intervention on congenital nystagmus (CN) with electronystagmography.
26 Charles James Fox, the noted statesman, was a notorious
27 In short Vancouver is almost like a costal Toronto ( without the CN tower of course ).
28 The primary duty of the Brand and Traffic Manager is to increase job seeker traffic to Careerbuilder. com. cn through creating targeted partnerships with Chinese websites.
29 However, their reasoning abilities are constrained by their conceptual knowledge, the nature of the task, and theirwww. tag365. cn awareness of their own thinking.
30 The structural performances are evaluated from the condition number (CN) of equilibrium matrix, and CN and minimum eigenvalue of stiffness matrix.
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