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CN in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2018-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
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31 A univalent radical , CN, found in simple and complex cyanide compounds.
32 Objective : To study the ultra - structure alterations of the extraocular muscles ( EOM ) in congenital nystagmus ( CN ) subjects .
33 For models RTD 260 CN , 500 CN, a hook spanner is supplied as a standard accessory for setting torque.
34 Documents approved by the Board shall be posted on NANDTB - CN webpage.
35 Cetane Number ( CN ) of diesel has effect on cold startability and emissions in a diesel Engine.
36 You can also see from the above example the printout of all the cn: (command name) values.
37 Visit the Embassy's homepage at www. norway. cn, then contact a travel agency.
37 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
38 By means of the density functional theory (DFT) methods, the writer of this paper studies the Tautomeric reaction (CN) 2.
39 ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of injecting botulinum toxin A ( BTA ) in patients with congenital nystagmus ( CN ).
40 The DN is composed of several fields, including a common name (CN), organization (O), organizational unit (OU), and country (C).
41 The new energy band program for One - D macrocyclic molecular crystal with Cn symmetry was designed by use for the first time.
42 For example, you need to put the splash screen file for Simplified Chinese into /nl/zh/CN.
43 Yesterday, the China Internet Network Information Center ( CN - NIC ) released " 22 China Internet Development Report. "
44 Assisting the CN helpdesk to manage and finish the warranty claims and obtain the shipping performance by preset parameters.
45 China Internet Network Information Center is the National Internet Registry of. CN domain names in China.
46 ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of injecting botulinum toxin A ( BTA ) in patients congenital nystagmus ( CN ).
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