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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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151. It showed revenue of A $ 641. 1 million and paid dividends of 32 cents a share in the year.
152. He arrives in the County to face a crime rate rising at more than 32 percent a year.
153. At tea they were 161 for three, still needing 223 off a minimum of 32 overs.
154. The card is equipped with 1 megabyte of VideoRAM which allows up to 32,000 colours to be displayed.
155. For March, Viacom raised its standard cable service rate 32.
156. He had time to amass a large repertoire of 32 concertos and many dozens of solo works.
157. The Dow Jones Industrial Average seesawed before closing down 21. 32 at 5066. 9.
158. The suspect was described as a white male of average height and weight between 25 to 32 years old.
159. The £32 million remand prison has 156 single and 72 shared cells, each with its own lavatory and washbasin.
160. In a prep school match, a score of 32 rates with a Test century.
161. It commits the industry to shut down its 19 reactors after an average running time of 32 years.
162. We furthermore demonstrate that plexiglass in combination with lead shields 32 P induced Bremsstrahlung more efficiently than plexiglass alone.
163. A large urea, 32 X 6.4 m, was uncovered to establish the perimeters of two burial mounds.
164. Steve Belkin, 32, is technical support manager for a City software house.
165. But he kept his balance, bounced to the right, broke a tackle, faked two defenders and raced 32 yards.
166. Filling in the two charts on page 32 gives the best indication of what you can afford.
167. By contrast, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was seen favorably by 32 percent of those polled and unfavorably by 36 percent.
168. The wooden stairs along the north wall lead directly upwards to location 53. 32.
169. Tickets are $ 10 to $ 32 for the evening performances and $ 6 to $ 20 for the matinee.
170. Gay, 32, is director of community relations for NetNoir, an AOLsponsored company that promotes and develops Afrocentric programming.
171. The Nasdaq fell 32. 78 points, or 1. 9 percent, at 1, 666. 88.
172. Back together after two years, Cher, 46, had just watched Sambora, 32, at a West End gig.
173. Daryl, 32, couldn't tear herself away from her new boyfriend after they had lunch at a Manhattan diner.
174. To have 32 seeds in a 128 women's singles draw,[] would be nothing less than a protection racket.
175. Treasury bonds for March delivery dropped 7 / 32 to 120 1 / 8.
176. Bernadette Pollock, 32, climbed a drainpipe on to a window ledge after losing her keys.
177. Logitech's FotoMan digital camera stores 32 digitized photos in random access memory instead of on film.
178. Mrs Nkabule has lived her 32 years on the front line of brutal racial and economic segregation.
179. There was a large contingent of buyers from Eire who took 32 rams in total.
180. The London Titfords made silk in Spitalfields; and a draper cousin could help sell it for them. 32.
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