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Yi in a sentence

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Sentence count:196Posted:2018-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a Loloish language. 
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91 As a totem of the Yi People, bamboo is closely related with the reproductive organ worship.
92 If ego is too weak, incontrollable with presidential Yi special or exceed me, so conflict can happen, the person can feel trouble, anxiety.
93 We can say " yi sou " or " yi tiao " boat.
94 In the early period, the function was mainly manifested in the interpretation of the calendric numbers by the Yi numbers.
95 Deep - state every year the General Assembly organized the international exchange of Xing Yi Quan.
96 "You tell us that to realize our dream, we need to spare no pains, " said Yi.
97 According to the official statement, the present situation is that Yi-zu is "one ethnos complicated with various languages and branches" while in 1950s the "Yi" was confirmed as the "ethnos".
98 Yi Dayton and the place of residence, soon to become a big village.
99 Yi - meng people have tenacious fighting spirit opposing oppress and exploitage.
100 The formulation of witch culture in Yi district, is based on the folk primitive faith of Yi, an organic whole of worshipping the ancestor, nature[], totemism and efficacious things.
101 I recommend Tian - Yi - Jiao Food - Street. It's famous for Wenzhou's snacks.
102 Xinhua Ljubljana, September 10 (Reporter Zhao Yi) by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the 6th Bled Strategic Forum 10 adjourned.
103 From all over the scar on the cake and the name of yi ming seed cake.
104 The audience all marveled at the pas de deux and pas de trios of the three leads, as well as the colorful and brilliant traditional dances of the Yi nationality in different scenes.
105 I enjoy watching Yi play because he often makes the right read when it comes to half-court offense — when to post, when to slip screens, when to pop out higher as a pressure-release man.
106 Seeks, Yi from thought the merit in the water clock, the spirit is really leisurely.
107 Idan ka rubuta bayanan ka a inda aka nemi ka yi hakan, ka bawa BBC da masu yi mata ayyuka damar baka bayanan da ka nema.
108 Yi - jun: Have Cath and Rich gotten everything prepared?
109 Till then , the cultural brand of drum - dance of Yi nationality in Eshan has been
110 The steel pipe anti-dumping case will impact more than 90 Chinese steel plants, many of them major employers, said Yi.
111 Yi Naisi is Korea ambry the first brand, the representing's is the style of brief vogue.
112 And a wider and deeper understanding can be achieved if numeral system of Yi is comprehensively considered.
113 The nationalities cuisine in Province Guizhou has a long history, mainly composed of such nationalities dishes as the Qilao, Yi, Miao, Dong, Bouyei, Shui and so on.
114 The origin epics should find its position in the Yi literature history, but the precondition of Yi literature history relies on the formation of Yi ethnos.
115 General Fu Tso - yi was then Commander of the Kuomintang's 12 th War Zone.
116 Yi snow tears still keeps cannot stop residing, is full to is self-reproach in words.
117 In a commercial for a milk company, Yi is the center of a romantic triangle featuring China's most famous young soap opera star.
118 Before catharsis sweater, the cuff that answers to take off Yi Song and garment are placed fold upcountry, buckle jacket, next from in come over to evaginate .
119 Movie "White-Haired Girl, " according to the collective creation of Yan'an Lu Xun Literature Institute, HE Jing, Ding Yi, adapted from the opera written by the same name.
120 While we chatted, we passed mud brick villages and Yi women in the fields wearing bright yellow pleated skirts and black headdresses as big as kites.
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