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Yi in a sentence

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Sentence count:196Posted:2018-09-30Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a Loloish language. 
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61 Chu Yin - chiu and Chen Chun - yi applauded gleefully and roared with laughter.
62 Qian Yi Jin pepper 28, the boss said to me and bagging.
63 He explained history by the rule that changelessness was in change based on the three meanings of Yi, that is, facility, change and unchangeableness .
64 A few months later, virologist Yi Guan from the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region, China, investigated a renewed outbreak of SARS.
65 When highlanders , Yi people frostily gazing on my camera lens in long-suffering look , all of my weakness , greed and dread and something of original sins of humankind are exposed fully.
66 Therefore, the construction of Yi ethnos and of its literature history will become the main point worthy to pay attention to.
67 The location of our company is Tsing Yi Island which is seagirt and scenic , it is very close to the container seaport, 20 minutes drive to the airport, and 40 minutes drive to mainland China.
68 Guan Yi, a virologist and professor of microbiology at the University of Hong Kong who led the research, said that the new strain is unlikely to be caused by viral mutation.
69 Objective:To establish the determination methods of Stachydrine Hydrochloride in Yi mu Pill by RP—HPLC.
70 The development of Korea's poetical theories witnesses their zenith in the Yi Dynasty.
71 A music theorist Chen Yi , the word stem, such as Zhang Yuan.
72 Q: Why does Hou Yi have to shoot down 9 suns?
73 Ni Yi - de is the renowned oil painter the water color painter the fine arts theoretician.
74 The Lahu language is an independent one belonging to the Yi Branch of the Tibeto-Burman Group of the Sino-Tibetan Language Family.
75 Finish saying he then shuts eyes, there are no heart palpitates and breath any further, allowed a Yi lotus the Nuo grievously weep over, will kiss to stay on his lips once again.
76 Low season Kanlou benefits dos: Yi found comfort issue price concessions!
77 Yi Yang magnetic submersible pump submersible pump is a new generation.
78 Please mind the coming southbound train will terminate at Gong Yi Xi Qiao Station.
79 Yantai Yi letter company is specialized for unsecured micro-credit loans advisory services platform, without collateral, without the loan before the costs, the fastest 2 day loan, a maximum of 300000.
79 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
80 To this future's Sung Dynasty right most the person of peak, the left Yi have to arrange good friendship foundation, bypass now he many down and out.
81 It has covered masculine and feminine elements Yi Li extremely profoundly as well as is making widely known the cosmic inventory structure style profoundly.
82 In contrast, recall of the Yi River Linyi, also a river, the two sides only the rows of London plane trees and large empty tracts of grassland, appears to be so bound by monotonous and dull.
83 Yi River Basin is located in high precipitation area and the river system is asymmetric.
84 Shoe of embroider of the Yi nationality is general build by mouth of sole, upper, shoe, shoe hind, the composition of a few parts such as shoe needle, shoe-buckle.
85 The third chapter to research on voice, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, culture, psychology and language habits from various angles to explore the reason of allotropy in " Yi Jian Zhi ".
86 In the respect of Yi' s explanation, he stood for setting up rules from Yi itself, setting forth some distinctive concepts such as "body trigram", "four connections", "time and position".
87 Li Yi was the only medical professional on the seven - person project team.
88 He thinks certainly Manuel sends Yi that, wrote an ebullient acknowledgment letter then.
89 After hastily wash off the mirror dressing robes, Yi, how so?
90 Yao said that Yi is able to do things athletically that is unmatched in Chinese basketball.
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