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Wages in a sentence

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Sentence count:293+34Posted:2017-05-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: real wageswage systemwageNew Agewagerstowagewage ratedaily wageMeaning: [weɪdʒ]  n. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing. 
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(181) During the suppression of the agrarian unrest of 1830 he attempted, unsuccessfully, to improve the wages of labourers around Dorchester.
(182) It has also resorted to austerity policies which have affected prices, employment and real wages.
(183) Labor shortages were not going to be driving up wages for a long time to come.
(184) Births fell and employment and real wages worsened in almost all industrial economies in the early 1930s.
(185) The fund provided him with an emergency grant for unreimbursed medical bills and lost wages.
(186) What was needed was a wider distribution of the profits of industry, especially through higher wages.
(187) The revolution, through state control, has given agricultural labourers greater security and better wages by turning them into state employees.
(188) Some of them supplemented wages from the great estates with tiny holdings, where they were lucky enough to have them.
(189) Preferences in politics can include anything from higher wages, a cleaner environment, world peace, or the realization of democracy.
(190) Of course these wages do not include the company's pension contributions to the individuals concerned.
(191) The next highest figures were 17 percent who put benefits above wages, and another 17 percent who preferred career advancement opportunities.
(192) This resulted in downward pressure on wages as many workers competed for scarce jobs.
(193) They criticized his flat tax plan because it would tax wages but not investments.
(194) The lender releases money to the borrower, who then uses the money to pay wages and other expenses of the harvest.
(195) Some analysts emphasize rising productivity and rising wages in the market economy that have made work outside the home increasingly profitable.
(196) She asked the pastor, Will you lobby big business and the Legislature and get them to raise wages for women?
(197) High unemployment, non-payment of state wages and pensions and official cronyism and corruption will all be election issues.
(198) Suppose that the union lifts the level of wages above the perfectly competitive market clearing wage, thus creating some unemployment.
(199) Real-wage reductions are very difficult and disruptive if they have to take the form of lower money wages.
(200) Nor do the wages from the plantations compensate the families left in the villages for this loss of labour.
(200) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(201) Hazardous jobs include the risks of both death and injury, and the extra wages compensate both risks.
(202) They could deduct wages, but not interest costs, most other taxes or fringe benefits.
(203) Managers were told what to make and were sent the necessary materials, components, people, and money for wages.
(204) A recruiter entices the poor and the homeless with promises of employment, good wages, food and shelter.
(205) Federal law currently requires employees who work more than 40 hours in one week to be paid overtime wages.
(206) Disputes about unpaid wages and deteriorating working conditions attracted widespread violence against activists, as union rights were restricted.
(207) Payroll taxes are levied only on wages and salaries-not profits, interest, dividends, or capital gains.
(208) The Trotskyist movement has long advocated a sliding scale of wages to meet the rising cost of living.
(209) As for the athletics scholarships, these are not wages in the normal sense.
(210) This observation did appear to conform with the actual behaviour of money wages in the interwar period, particularly in Britain.
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