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Ump in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-10-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: vacuum pumpsump pumpbumper-to-bumperhumpty dumptyjumplumpmumpsumpMeaning: n. an official at a baseball game. 
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(1) The umps refused to take any action.
(2) The left-field line ump stayed out of it.
(3) The unbalanced magnetic pull(UMP) in a three-phase generator, caused by relative eccentricity , is calculated theoretically, and its effect on vibration of an eccentric rotor is studied.
(4) The total accuracy of UMP in diagnosis of lymph node metastasis was 80.9 %.
(5) P ump machine, driving wheel, panel, the operating rod of reverse stitching, top head, oil pan and so on.
(6) I think it's safe to say the ump will never call another strike on you again.
(7) As an umpire stood behind the plate at a girls' softball game, he heard a player's mother start chanting: "We want a new ump!"
(8) Members who visit UMP Olympian Dental Centre for above services will be presented a gift.
(9) If the sl ump continues, more will be stood off.
(10) France's ruling UMP party is calling it a debate on religion and secularity.
(11) Last week(sentence dictionary), the UMP sparked similar criticism by holding a debate on Islam and secularity.
(12) This paper deals with the general procedure and essence of equivalent design methtod systematically , which can be applied for guiding the working capacity design of Universal Machine Parts(UMP).
(13) This work lays a foundation for further decreasing unbalance magnetic pull (UMP), improving motor electromagnetic properties and analysing vibration in succession.
(14) For the second consecutive game, a ruling by the umps helped determine the outcome.
(15) Scott Brosius was ejected in the sixth inning during an argument with home plate ump Larry Barnett.
(16) Method: Serum Cystatin C, Urea, Scr and UrineMicroprotein ( UMP ) concentrations were measured in 1338 patients.
(17) Indeed, the proliferation of parties on the left and centre means his UMP party may well come out top in the European election.
(18) Can you tell me why you want to j ump off that bridge so badly?
(19) His new partner is a political correspondent who until recently followed the minister's UMP party.
(20) Support among Mr Sarkozy's own electoral base remains solid. Indeed, the proliferation of parties on the left and centre means his UMP party may well come out top in the European election.
(21) Finally we preliminarily researched the crystallization technological conditions of UMP.
More similar words: vacuum pumpsump pumpbumper-to-bumperhumpty dumptyjumplumpmumpsumprumppumphumpdumpbumphumphhumperplumpmumpscrumplumpylumperdumperjumpydumpyfrumpjumperclumpthumpbumperslumptrump
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