Similar words: trillionth, pillion, billion, million, zillion, millions, cotillion, vermillion. Meaning: ['trɪlɪən]
n. 1. a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole) 2. the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros 3. the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros. adj. 1. one quintillion in Great Britain 2. one million million in the United States.

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(151) Local governments, with total borrowing of 10.7 trillion yuan or 27% of GDP largely via off-balance-sheet entities, are a potential problem for both the financial and fiscal system.
(152) By the end of March, book inventory amount listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been as high as 3. $ 53 trillion, exceed the level before the financial crisis in 2008, and create record.
(153) In the case of valeric acid, for example, that concentration was seven parts per trillion—a level only just detectable by bloodhounds .
(154) However, scientists are already thinking about so-called exascale machines which would be able to crunch through one quintillion (one million trillion) calculations per second.
(155) We a $ 10 - trillion hole on future generations of America, the.
(156) By some measures, the risks associated with the three main rating companies may be tantamount to a $1 trillion bomb blowing up global financial institutions' balance sheets.
(157) According to preliminary estimate, China will import equipment, technologies and products worth of 1.4 trillion USD from 2001 to 2005.
(158) New loans reached RMB 591.8 billion in April (from the record level of RMB 1.89 trillion in March), amounting to year-on-year growth of 27.1%.
(159) "The total sum in the 2010 draft is 1.109 trillion rubles, which exceeds the state defense order for this year, " Sergei Ivanov said.
(160) The U.S. is still by far the world leader in the cumulative stock of foreign investment, which now stands at some $3.3 trillion.
(161) They manage perhaps $ 2 trillion and rely heavily on borrowed money.
(162) Italy's current debt load is around 1.8 trillion euros, making it the fourth-highest public debtor in the world.
(163) It also agreed to lend Turkmenistan $4 billion to develop the huge South Iolotan field containing up to 14 trillion cubic meters of gas(, according to Britain's GCA consulting company.
(164) For example, in 2009, China's retirement-system assets – national social security, local government retirement benefit plans, and private sector pensions – totaled just RMB2.4 trillion ($364bn).
(165) Actual operating profit was 1.48 trillion won in the third quarter of 2008.
(166) China, with $ 2.4 trillion in reserves, holds some $ 889 billion Treasury securities.
(167) By the numbers, the outlook for banks is troubling. U.S. commercial banks had about $1 trillion of capital as of the end of the second quarter.
(168) The plan was to sample nitryl chloride levels in marine air, which computer models predicted would not exceed 50 parts per trillion.
(169) The developing world's need for external financing is likely to increase to $1.3 trillion in 2009, including current account deficits and principal repayments on private debt coming due.
More similar words: trillionth, pillion, billion, million, zillion, millions, cotillion, vermillion, millionaire, billionaire, multimillionaire, trill, drilling, trilled, thrilling, brilliant, brilliance, brilliantly, scallion, bullion, stallion, mullioned, medallion, rebellion, rill, rebellious, krill, drill, grill, grille.