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Treated in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+85Posted:2017-07-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: untreatedretreatedmistreatedill-treateduncreatedbeat a retreattreattreatyMeaning: [trɪːt]  adj. 1. subjected to a physical (or chemical) treatment or action or agent 2. (of a specimen for study under a microscope) treated with a reagent or dye that colors only certain structures 3. given medical care or treatment 4. made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment. 
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151. He treated his wife as little more than a chattel.
152. His wife had left him and he was being treated for depression.
153. He was very even-handed in the way he treated his employees.
154. They have been treated badly, and they are rightly upset.
155. She'sbeen told that her husband is being harshly treated in prison.
156. I don't expect special treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.
157. Being treated in the privacy of your own room gives you more dignity.
158. All three children have equality in our family — they are all treated in the same way.
159. I bow my head in shame when I think of how I treated her.
160. On farms the fox is considered vermin and treated as such.
161. I was treated to a verbatim report of every conversation she's taken part in over the past week.
162. Any information given during the interview will be treated in the strictest confidence .
163. She knew she had treated him badly and it weighed heavily on her mind for a long time.
164. He has a masochistic streak and seems to enjoy being treated badly by women.
165. He's treated you badly: still[], he's your brother and you should help him.
166. They were treated as a married couple for taxation purposes.
167. She is being treated at Walton Hospital, where her condition is described as 'satisfactory'.
168. My inability to do needlework was treated with surprising indulgence by my teacher.
169. The way they have treated those people makes my blood boil.
170. Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.
171. They were shocked at how the children had been treated.
172. We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer's speed and skill.
173. It maddens me to see how unfairly Jon has been treated.
174. I left feeling disgruntled at the way I'd been treated.
175. I think we all felt he'd been treated very unfairly and it left a bad taste in our mouths.
176. I detected an implied criticism of the way he was treated.
177. Evidence given by convicted criminals should always be treated with the utmost caution .
178. If the condition is not treated[Sentencedict], the appendix can rupture.
179. He is still being treated for injuries to his legs.
180. He treated her with the easy familiarity of an equal.
More similar words: untreatedretreatedmistreatedill-treateduncreatedbeat a retreattreattreatyentreatretreatentreatymistreatmaltreattreatisetreatabletreatmentretreatingdutch treatmaltreatmenttrick or treatmistreatmentcreateseatedheatedbeauty treatmentrecreatere-createlaureatethreatengreatest
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