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Total error in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-05-31Updated:2024-05-31
Similar words: fatal erroraccidental errorexperimental errorclerical errorresidual errorcritical errorteetotalertypographical error
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1. The total error budget of the measuring system is presented.
2. The total error due to finite observation and bias is dependent on the limited level of the quantized input signal.
3. Secondly, total error models for an NC machine tool, were developed, the error parameters were identified and the software error compensation was accomplished.
4. Based on the analysis of industry helical motion, spiral motion model is established, and a "total error" concept is proposed for its error analysis.
5. Based on the fact that total error is needed by the system, this thesis emphasizes particularly on analyzing the static regression line error model and its engineering feasibility.
6. How do you tell how much each individual node from a preceding layer contributed to the total error at a given node?
7. With the method given in this paper, the period to debug the systems can be reduced down and the total error can be compensated almost.
8. It provides effective theoretical support for industrial robot design which requires different accuracy through evaluation and analysis of single error and the total error space.
9. Conclusions Improvements in precision are still needed for many laboratory tests to assure the analytical quality required by the EQA total error criteria.
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10. The average recognition accuracy is 86.33% with 3.46 candidate number (the number was 10 before rejection) on an average, and the total error rejection rate is 0.27%.
11. On the basis of the relation between truncation and rounding errors of difference approximation, the interval formula which can minimize the total error is founded.
12. By carrying out the error estimation and calculation, the ratio that each error factor takes in total error is determined ...
13. By introducing the weight of attribute feature, simplified the total error with combining geometric errors and attribute errors, and examined the validity for the simplification quality.
14. The influences about the deformation of case on the gear mesh error are analyzed, which provides a theoretical basis for calculating the high-speed class transmission gear mesh total error.
15. A more efficient fixing device is needed owing to the large total error for set-up.
16. Low and middle lever CNC machines have been widely used in our country,[] geometric error nearly takes account of 70% in total error.
17. The conclusion that the measurement accuracy for liquid propellant residue volume attains to 1 % of the total tank volume was obtained with total error analysis and suitable correction.
18. The verification of the evaluation model shows that the model has a high accuracy, with a total error of only 0.037. S0 it can be applied in the safety evaluation in coal mines.
19. The grind affect gene train of correct or error define on compensate fuzzy control is showed. The total error of grind affect gene on compensate fuzzy control is 0.4 percent.
20. It analyzes the variation rules of the area errors of slopes derived from DEM with different resolutions and proposes for the first time the indexes of the total error of weighted area percentage.
More similar words: fatal erroraccidental errorexperimental errorclerical errorresidual errorcritical errorteetotalertypographical errortotaledteetotallertotal salestotal equitytotal energytotal eclipsetotal earningstotal employmenterrorterrorno errorby errorin errorerror bitterrorismterrorizeterroristsize errorterrorisezero errorerror codeerror rate
Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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